Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Met a girl, she gave me her number, and we have a date September 15th. Locked that down in an hour. LMAO always trip when I pull up my Google calendar. I don't have a job and I don't go to school but I'm hella busy. I have appointments booked for next year already. I don't tell girls I have my own business because I like to see how they act before they know I can support myself. I do want to go to school in January, but I'm not telling them that. As far as girls I date know I'm unemployed and not ambitious. I noticed guys flex on girls hella hard. I used to do that and now I never flex. I get more girls now with little effort. They're not all fine as fukk but I'm over high maintenance girls anyway. I used to chase them chicks and not one was worth the p*ssy or the money. TBH if you smash one you've smashed them all.