I quit my job and I'm not looking for another one. I'm over it. I'm going to back to hustling. Before I got a job I had my own business and I got a job to expand my business. I got caught up in working and forgot why I got a job. I got a job so I could work for myself again. I really lost sight of my goal. I woke up miserable, walked into work, and told them I'll stay until they find someone to cover my shifts.
I don't dislike my job and I make good money, but I had to quit because I was becoming a great employee and that's the opposite of a boss. Yes, I gotta wake up everyday and hustle now, but I forgot how much I love the hustle. I love not knowing where my next check is coming from and going to get it. I love talking to clients, negotiating deals, and being able to do whatever I want with my time. I forgot I am good at this shyt. a week into this shyt I paid my rent from hustling. I don't have any extra cash because I'm one week into building a little business.
I forgot my talent is business. IDGAF what it is I can sell it. Big facts, and I can sell myself.
I'm not crazy like in my younger days. I did apply at a temp agency for cooks and I get job offers every day. So if push comes to shove I can always accept short contract cooking jobs. Right now I have money coming in from three directions. It's slow money, but it's better than no money, and it's enough money. I just gotta grow my business and focus on my next move.
I stopped dating like 6 girls at once and I have a girlfriend now too.
It's funny how things look like they're falling apart when things are falling into place.