Shamchazai, Uzziel and Uza..fell upon the mount and lost their place in Heaven.
Og of Bashan, also known as Anak in the Bible, was a direct descendent of the Fallen Angel, Shamchazai, he is the progenitor of the giants that populated Hebron in time that Joshua lead the ancient Hebrews into Canaan. He was the lone survivor of the biblical flood and his cursed bloodline is instilled in many of the old houses of royalty that spans continents.
The notion of race is trivial in the face of being descended from a supernatural source, do not be deceived by your dimmed senses..some of you carry the mark but have not yet exercised your strengths. The first house is where Lucifer dwells, the second house is where the rest of his Fallen dwell and the third house is where the sons of the Nephilim move amongst the nations.