Nope, I'm not getting tricked twice. I will drop a whole infant off right on your step and send you child support.
She does awful business. The quality of care at her center for the children is excellent, but the operations is shyt. She pissed me off today, but I love her and want her to do well. I just don't see her being able to keep up the amount of juggling she does on a regular basis. At some point you have to tire.
I left because I was tired of that work environment. Then the opportunity to work with her basically being like an IT/Operations/Finance manager came up, but the center JUST opened like last week, so she's just been paying me to do some adhoc stuff. My other friend told me to have a business meeting with her so, I have been creating a mock budget and proposal of what I would like to do for her and how I think it would relieve some pressure off her. I still need steady employment in the mean time. The recruiter thing is good, because it's flexible, I can work from home, and hopefully find a great job for someone.