You might ask isn’t everybody willing to be a success? Unfortunately, the answer is no. You see, roughly 95% of the people in this world are NOT successful. Only 5% of the people are successful. The 95%ers think the same way and do the same things. The 5%ers also think the same way and do the same things. There are, however, significant differences in the modus operandi of each group. Let’s go over the basics and the essentials of the 5%ers.
First, dreaming is essential to progress. Think about people you know that stop dreaming and growing. Their lives become a tedious treadmill, don’t you think? Second, you must become obsessed with your dream and make it a vision that is clear, in color, that has fragrance, texture and, most importantly, it must be a moving picture not a snapshot. You MUST FEEL yourself actively participating in your vision. You are not on the outside looking in. You are seeing it happen THROUGH YOUR OWN EYES. As early as Biblical times we are told: Where there is no vision the people perish.
While everyone has a somewhat different approach to goal setting, there are four simple and fundamental steps that you need to take for your dreams to turn into reality. Everyone who has ever created success, whether consciously or not, whether using this specific language or not, has gone through these four steps. They are the four universal truths of reaching for a big dream.
For a goal to come through, first, you must write it down, make it specific and give it a deadline. Next, you must look at it every day. You must understand and pay the price. And last, you must have a plan to start with.
Step one: Write it down. The most critical skill in achieving success, in any area whatsoever, from sports to high finance, radiant health to fulfilling relationships is, again, the skill of envisioning. Envisioning something simply means the ability to create a vivid picture of something that hasn’t factually happened yet. And…make that picture so vivid that it feels real. Envisioning doesn’t happen simply by creating a picture in your mind. If your dreams and aspirations are happening in your mind only, that’s not envisioning. That’s wishful thinking. It’s like saying, “I’ll give it a try.” There is no try. Envisioning means quite literally making something up out of thin air-and making it real. You can’t do that within the confines of your skull. It needs to become physical. It needs to involve your senses. In other words, you need to write it down. The moment that you do, it has started to become real.
What do you dream about? Pick a dream. Any dream. Your dream house, your dream car, dream vacation, your dream job, your dream marriage, your dream career. Now, add two descriptors that will make your dreams concrete: What and when. First, go back to each dream and add whatever wording you need to make each dream specific. For example, if you had a dream to be wealthy, what does that mean, specifically? How much money do you need in the bank or as investments or coming in as annual income to achieve what you call wealthy? If there are other conditions that need to be met, such as your dream house or your own personal airstrip for your own plane on your own personal island, add those in, too. Remember to make it positive. Your dream is to be rich. Your dream is not to be “not poor”. The Universe focuses in on your key word. Let it focus on the word wealthy not the word poor. This is a KEY point. State your dreams in POSITIVE language, what you want, not what you don’t want.
What if one of your dreams is radiant health? How would you make that specific? One way would be to describe exactly what kinds of activities you engage in, and what they feel like. Imagine reading your dream to someone that you care about and that person saying, “I’m not sure I grasp what you mean? Can you tell me exactly what you are shooting for?” Please add the specifics of how it makes you feel to what you have written down.
Now the second descriptor, when. It has often been said that goals are dreams with deadlines. Let’s reshape your dreams into goals by giving them deadlines. Go back through each dream and answer the question: By when? You’ve probably heard of the Paretto principle, AKA, the 80/20 rule. It states that 20% of the people in a sales force produce 80% of the results. Here’s another application of Parreto’s law. 80% of everything you do tends to get done in the last 20% of the time available. If you don’t create a concrete deadline, that last 20% never seems to arrive. And you’re always living in the 80% time that says “someday.” Please add the “when” to the dreams you wrote down.
When you write your dreams down, when you make them vivid and specific, when you’ve given them a concrete timeline for realization, then you’ve taken a giant step towards making them real.
Step two: Look at it every day. The single most compelling reason for writing down your dreams is so you can look at them, envision them and read them every day. The reason you need to look at them every day is the same reason that you need to keep yourself in the company of positive people. You need to counteract the force of gravity, AKA, the force of mediocrity. Remember, unsuccessful people outnumber successful people 19 to 1 and you need to constantly remind your brain where you’re headed or you will drift away. If you don’t keep yourself constantly, repeatedly, focused on your destination, you’ll be like a rocketship without a gyroscope. You’ll simply drift off gradually to the outer space of failure. Surround yourself with it. Keep your awareness in your face. Look at it every single day. Your brain is far more complex and powerful than the biggest computer in the world. And your own subconscious is by far the biggest distraction or attraction that you have. Having your dreams completely spelled out on paper, in the most vivid and specific terms possible and, with a very tangible, concrete timeline, provides you with an environment of yes for your goals, yes for your dreams and yes for your aspirations. And when that 19 to 1 force of gravity starts leaking from our subconscious and says, “Can I really make this happen?” We need to respond: Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes.
Here is the amazing thing. I’ve seen this happen countless times and it never ceases to fill me with awe. When you set your goals, life has a way of rearranging itself. A series of events starts in motion that you could never have predicted or planned to get you there. If you just sit there and try to figure it out, it doesn’t happen. But, when you surround yourself with your goals, your subconscious brain goes to work on you. And, if you have the right philosophy then you will come up with the right actions and keep repeating those actions. And, a series of events will kick in, including circumstances you could have never dreamed of, that will take you to that goal. This is the Universe, your old buddy, Mother nature, partnering up with you. Somehow, some way, when you want something and envision it strongly enough, the universe will respond. But you must send out a clear, concise, and vivid “VIBE” so that the universe can hear and feel your desire.
Step 3: Know and pay the price. Ahaa…there’s the catch! I knew it. So, what will I have to do? Though your dreams may be big, and I hope that they are huge, remember that the steps that you are taking to get there are what? Huge? No…small, tiny, baby steps. Easy to do. The price you pay works the same way. You don’t have to pay for your million-dollar dream with a million-dollar personal check. You can pay for it with a small effort each day. But you do have to understand what that effort is and you do have to pay it. If you want to change your harvest you must plant and cultivate in a different field. (There aren’t too many millionaires that bowl over 100.) Remember this, whatever price you pay there is a bigger price to pay for not doing it than the price for doing it. The price of neglect is much worse than the price of discipline. It may take a few years to put your success on track but, it takes your ENTIRE LIFE to fail.
Step 4: Start with a plan. This is the point where people are often thrown off track. The point is not to come up with the brilliant blueprint that will take you all the way to the finish line. The point is to simply come up with a plan that will get you out of the starting gate. You start with a plan but, the plan you start with will not be the plan that gets you there. Say what? That makes no sense at all. If this plan is not going to get me to my goal, why bother designing it? Perhaps the most critical mistake that people make is thinking they need the perfect plan. If you have no plan there will be no jumping off.
You start with a plan. Then you go through the process of continuous learning through both study (modeling a mentor) and doing. You are adjusting all the time and your method is plan, do, review, and adjust. REPEAT. You need a first plan so that you can get to your second plan, so you can get to your third plan, etc. Success is the progressive realization of a worthy idea. Don’t try to figure out the whole race, just figure out where to put your foot on the starting line. Just start. Have faith. You’ll finish.