I did my own crochet hair with faux dreads, and I'm ready to never pay anyone to do my hair again. The packs of dreads were only 5.99 and I only needed 4 packs. I wouldve paid 100 to have someone else install them for me. Easy to put in, easy to take out. I think I'll keep crocheting my hair and give myself a break from my weaves(a.k.a hair hats).Did some twists with extensions in my hair yesterday and I really like them. The hair was more expensive than braiding hair, but I only used two packs and it was way easier to install. I'm also getting better with attaching the hair and don't have so much space between the root and when the braid starts, like when I did the braids a few months back. It took a lot less time ( about 8 hours) than the braids. I also have to admit, I like myself better with hair than without$12 worth of hair and 8 hours of time, not a bad deal, especially since the cheapest price I was quoted was $50 and I still had to bring my own hair.
This woman is gorgeous to me
Thanks for the tag breh!cool video
she is gorgeous
EDIT: @Princess Coco very nice video, i know i prolly wasn't the intended audience but video was dope
she did talk about the struggles Oshun went through but i think she was just focusing on lessons from the stories of OshunYe Ye OchunDamn, she a baddie for real!
My only critique of the video is why do women who make these videos never teach other women about oya and yemoja who are just as important. Also she never touched on the dark side of Ochun but maybe that didn't really go with what she was teaching. With that said salute to her anyway and props for sharing.
Thanks for the tag breh!
Link?Did some twists with extensions in my hair yesterday and I really like them
True my bad, she did mention the struggle and the fact she could be vengeful and dark. I mean Oshun tricked Oba and made her cut her ear off and you also have Oshun the vulture and things like thatshe did talk about the struggles Oshun went through but i think she was just focusing on lessons from the stories of Oshun
i liked that honey/Shango story
she put that honey on a nikka's lips huh
"my wife in the crib feeding the kids liquid gold"