Kings County
Law III | Law XXV | Law XV
what game is this ?
what game is this ?
That's why I ain't date no one for yearsSo many women are dealing with low self esteem having men and dont even know it.
Hes making u feel like shyt because he thinks low of himself sis.
Pack it up and leave!
Low self esteem/low confident men are such a turn off and i can spot them a mile away.
I feel you and this thinking is why I've never been in a relationship and I'm damn near 50. You're not going to fix your relationship issues being single. Get out there, date, fail and do it again while you're young so you can learn strategies to deal with your issues and by the time you're older you should have worked through most of it. Just like no credit can be worse than bad credit, I feel the same about relationships. No experience is worse than bad ones.That's why I ain't date no one for yearsmy self image was completely fukked up.
If I ain't love and respect myself, how can I expect a woman to pick that slack up and fill an emotional void that she had nothing to do with creating?
R u dumb
Don’t be dumb okmaybe...