I'm cool with being a nobody.

so this idea of using social media to take pictures of myself or to show my boring life is silly to me. I'm boring and so is my life and honestly, there's nothing wrong with being boring and having a boring life. To the standards of those living large or doing something with their lives to show off, I am a loser. Social media capitalizes off of insecurity off of fear of being seen as boring by other people. Then the question becomes are they living for themselves and are truly content with themselves or are they sad about their own lives not living up to the bullshyt expectations in society that ain't real ?
I honestly think many people using and revolving their lives off of that as well as their smart phones need to examine themselves and ask that question. Who are they living for and why are doing what they do and for who. None of that shyt should control you or your life. It should be the opposite.
I feel that the older I get, the more I realize that just being boring or having a boring life is way better than having a stressful life worrying about shyt.
I think this idea that if someone chooses to not be on social media where they have accounts on all social media where people can basically spy on them and make assumptions about someone personally based on what someones content is ridiculous. Whatever happened to getting to know someone for real? Like you're not going to know someone based off of what you see on the computer no matter what they show you or tell you. You have to be around them to know but people don't have patience anymore or believe in socializing or experiencing life because they the Internet has them expecting way too much. Like if you want to know somebody well, get off your ass and get involved in their life. You want someone to know you, let them into your life for real.