Proud of myself; went home for 4 days and didn't drink or smoke. Or fukk a bytch while I was in the Chuck.
Proud of myself. #thesmallwins
Proud of myself. #thesmallwins
Shlomo is considered to be the master of dualities.. A man who was called a "neighbor of God" and a master over demons and angels. The predecessor of the man you call, Jesus...Solomon, the first King-Priest and the first intercessor for man who built the Temple and consecrated it face to face before YAH.
The organizations I deal with idolize Solomon as the man who, like Lucifer, rejected the constraints and limitations placed on him by God and evolved through his own wisdom by seeking out the deeper secrets held by the Gods. We seek out the duality of Lucifer and Solomon as the course of true, unadulterated power over the courses of the Earth, the Heavens and of Man. Duality....appearing to do good superficially but working and controlling evil to achieve the purpose of that very "good". Christians will fight you tooth and nail if you mention that Solomon was the greatest sorcerer in history of Man and is the standard for witches and warlocks to seek.
The Keys of Solomon are a collection of writings that were compiled during his time in "apostasy". The writings of John Dee also mirror the findings of Solomon in his experimentations.
@Prima Donna @HotChocolate @DarlingNikki @The5thLetter @Kaguya @The M.I.C. @Voodoo Child @AlternativeFacts
That floor is hideousHell yeah. I literally have nothing in the one I have now.
It’s been in there for years prior to me moving in. I’m ripping that bytch up. New shower, ceramic tile, new vanity, and new paint job. Should be complete by mid January to early FebruaryThat floor is hideous