My friend added me to a closed FB group where women are able to post pictures of their men to make sure he isn't creeping.
This page has provided me soooo many laughs this morning.
I gotta vent real quick.
I don't blame folks for doing that shyt but it's annoying how when someone such as myself isn't doing that shyt, people still think we are hiding something.
And being a gay guy where there's other gay men on some dumb shyt, that makes it worse because people think that someone is fukked up if they aren't living through social media and this lame shyt. They think guys like me who aren't promiscuous, all on the apps looking for sex, social mediaing it and all this dumb shyt dont exist when we do. I'm not doing anything of that shyt.
I'm a good guy too. So when somebody thinks they're playing me, they're playing themselves. Folks keep on joking around with real people and trying to real shyt with jokers, then they wonder why they end up going nowhere. I give folks some leeway and chances and they seem more interested in testing me not knowing...