Essential The Locker Room's Random Thoughts


Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
Being a vegan body builder is expensive :picard:

Nevertheless, I'll figure it out.

I could say a lot about this, but I'm going to let you cook, literally, you're going to be cooking and eating more than you work out. Good luck on your wellness journey. You're going to learn a lot and it's going to change your life.

My photography has low-key come a long way. I know I suck at everything because I started doing them late in life with no formal instruction. I see progress and a style developing in my visual art. My visual art went from not good to acceptable this year. I took a picture of myself I really like.

That's big for these reasons. I hate photographs of myself and I do not like the way I look. I do not think anything I produce looks as good as I envision it in my head and that makes me hate it.

I like the picture for these reasons. I'm becoming at peace with how I look because I've been putting more energy into looking as I view myself in my head. The picture is exactly how I think I look, and if I look like that, which I do, I can stop hating the way I look. That is life changing for me. My visual art is getting closer to looking as I see it in my head. That shyt means the world to me. I can explain why the picture is technically good and what could be better and that means I have a trained eye. The editing is fire, I'm not going to be humble about it.

I nailed it, it looks exactly the way I wanted it to look. I played with light, shadows, and its well balanced. Black and white photography is used without consideration and underappreciated. I try to stay away from it unless I know making the picture black and white will enhance what's already appealing about the picture.

Selfies are a modern version of photography that's slept on. Some people have turned taking a selfie into an art form. That's another post for another day.

I do not edit the way I look. My skin is what it is and I only use honest camera angles. If anything, I look better in real life. I look great in that picture, better than I look in real life I think, hahaha, honestly I know why I think that. I think that because everything came together in that picture after editing. The way the light and shadow hit my face accentuate my complexion and even skin tone. It also shows how the angles created are symmetrical. The shape of my hair, hairline, and jawline are perfectly symmetrical. The curvature of my eyelashes, eyebrows, eyelids, mustache, lips, and nostrils are perfectly symmetrical.

Low-key I've reinvented myself from a business-oriented person into an artist. I remember being 7 years old and deciding I am not creative and I could never do anything artistic at a high level. Well, 20 years later I'm paying all my bills from the art I produce which is shocking to me because the product still isn't as good as I see it in my head. I'm broke as fukk but I am paying all my bills from art with no mentors or schooling. I got big boy bills too, I have no sponsors.

It's been just under 3 years since I started this journey and I've made noticeable progress. There are highly talented college educated artists who can't get any money out of their industry. They got no buzz either.

LMAO when I used to rap, yes! I tried that too, when I rapped I said, "Got made fun of didn't make fun of 'em back, now the runt of the pack is out-running the pack I drive a champagne Benz with wood in the dash." LMAO all facts too at 22 I bought a champagne colored Benz with wood in the dash with all legal money and I bought that bytch all cash. I own that motherfukker breh. Aint nobody re-possessing anything I have.

Funny thing is I'm 30 now and I don't even drive it anymore. All I wanted was that car my whole life. Now I do not want a car at all. They're unnecessary expenses in my world.

One day people are going to stop calling me weird and ask me how I pull all this shyt off. I've never hidden my blueprint, its very unconventional so people think it's insane. People only see me on the battlefield fighting with a veteran army. They don't know I just walked on the battlefield and picked up a weapon from a dead body.

There will always be Jay Z and Nas type cats in the world. They're supposed to succeed and they have talents society views as commendable. But I'm a 2Chainz Kanye West Drake Mos Def type. We're unconventionally talented and people don't believe in us until they see the final product because we're hella left field. It shouldn't work but it works for us, and that's a trip. I could talk about this forever.

I love children. Children understand me because they have no past. Children live in the now and in their imaginations. It's not hard for them to understand vision. The future is a combination of what's happening now and what we can imagine. Children embody those two things and that's why children are the future. They're literally creating it every day. So yeah I love kids, they are the physical representation of imagination and the future.

Long story short I took a picture I like, Coconut Yapers, asskghetit!


Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
@Prima Donna the combination of information I have shared on here and IG makes you someone who knows me very well. You probably know me better than I know myself because you get an aerial view of my perspective on the world. There's one person I'd say knows me better. It's interesting, isn't it?

We're close but we're not. LOL sorry I had an inception thought I had to share with you.

I bet you have fascinating opinions of society and people. I'd love to get you drunk or stoned so I could hear you think out loud. I don't want the edited version. I want to hear your thoughts as they come to you. I want it raw.

If you wrote an anonymous blog about what you see in the world I know it'd be popular. Consider it, there's a lot of money in that shyt.


It's a movement
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
MA/CT/Nigeria #byrdgang #RingGangRadio
yesterday nothing says good morning like coming out of the stalls at work (stay regular brehs and brehettes :dame:) adjusting my belt buckle and seeing a non custodial white woman come in there..look around..see a urinal..and goes running back out ASAP :dead: