Can’t Stop the (ADHD) Feeling!
Famous people with ADHD. This website inspires and educates me. ADHD comes with many gifts. My brain functions at a very high level. To calm down I have to turn up by normal standards. The part that sucks is driving myself crazy and the prolonged depression. People don't understand ADHD comes with hella other shyt. OCD, depression, low self esteem, etc. shyt expresses differently for different people.
I have to do everything the same thing every time. I have rituals I have to do or I can't focus. I can genuinely multi task at a high level because I can't give one thing all of my attention. What I do is focus many parts of one thing. It's self created OCD. When I cook I focus on the final product and all the pieces that make it up. I can genuinely have three or more lines of thought going on at one time. When I'm calm I can focus on six or more things at once. It's a fascinating to tap into my ADHD brain and use it for good.