I'm happy people are beginning to eat healthier, but the fake health crowd is ruining the scene. Not eating meat is not healthy. Just because someone removes meat from their diet does not mean they are healthier than someone who does. Being healthy requires diet and exercise. A vegan is not healthier than a conventional eater. Being skinny does not mean someone is healthy. You can eat whatever you want as long as the frequency and quantity are reasonable. Some of the healthiest people I know drink beer or smoke a cigarette every day. They ride over a hundred miles a week. Humans used to forge and farm, so that's where they got their exercise from. They cooked all of their food. The modern human does not hunt or cooks very little which is why eating less or eliminating meat from a diet seems like a good idea.
It's lazy. If they exercised every day like they should be doing their bodies would be starving because all they feed their bodies is kale. The entire health food industry is designed to sell people food. If eating "clean or simple" is more natural why do these foods cost more than meat and conventional foods? They require less work to raise and prepare.
Minorites who don't but minority owned organics are sell outs because they don't know the black and brown people who pick these organics do not make more money than when they pick conventional foods. The white owned companies charge more but it does not trickle down to the minorities doing the labor. I try to not buy organic products because of this. People need to stop assuming health food providers treat their workers better than conventional food providers. Health foods create more waste than fast food. Fast food is efficient. Everything is used, shout out to Spam.
People need to stop blaming the food they eat for their poor health. It's a factor, but there are other factors other than diet that affect health. Like the environment, genetics, conditioning, exercise, mentality, and emotional stability.
I love poor people and fat people because their vision of food is interesting. They really enjoy eating food. It makes me happy as a food worker to see someone enjoy eating food. I love making it. I want to share my vision of food with my people. I've been on this journey for over ten years. This ain't new to me. My food will be accessible, familiar, and healthy.
I don't eat much meat. I'm practically a vegan, though I don't rep it. I'll eat meat if I know the farm it came from. America has a fukked up view of health because Americans associate health with beauty and not fitness. That is the problem.