LSA condemns white actor dedications?
What you disliked for? You barely started posting from looking at your post count. :obamaaa:I posted on LSA before I came here and I was disliked for many reasons but yeah there's a lot of bitterness, but only wrenching in the white men dedicated to certain actors and a lot of the posters condemn them
no, you dear.was for @Kant
When you're a shytty poster and don't add anything of value to the site, but that's my coli goal for 2017.
Outright calamity.
There's multiple global issues that are secretly recognized but are increasingly outside of man's control, they all seem to be converging together as to create a logistics nightmare.
There's issues in space, there's issues in the sky above Earth, there's issues within the Earth itself.. it will be extremely difficult to live, we won't have the luxuries we have now.