I know right strange shyt.
I think that dude markeith rivers is an idiot too. He's basically supporting the homophobes with that bullshyt. I notice how too many lgbtq persons take pride in or seem to have fun shytting on their own from the knowingly closeted that need support to the ones that are out that don't match the bullshyt unrealistic unreachable perfection standards that way too many openly gay men are setting for themselves and others. It's nothing but a negative cycle that leads to nowhere. He already got shot already for his bullshyt. You would think that would smarten his dumbass up to make him realize he's just as much if not the huge part of the problem he thinks he's exposing and blame shifting.
And man, I hate to say this but somewhere down the line, the older generation of lgbtq people done fukked up. Possibly around the AIDS epidemic because now this idea of self empowerment and pride among gay men is some weak shyt. Basically having "pride" or making it as a gay man is basically being some 20 or 30 something muscle mary narcissist that's in some clique showing off on instagram, Facebook or whatever in some studio or flaunting around their "dream job", being pretentious, being "popular", living some risky lifestyle, going partying, having either roster of men fukking them or dating their twin or reflection themselves or appearing to be and all this superficial dumb shyt. It's some negative insecurity shyt. I look at dudes like "this is what floats your boat".
you'd think that coming out the closet would make some people embrace themselves and move on a higher plane to help manage their insecurities in a positive way.
Needless to say, one reason why I'm not all that interested in fitting into or wanting to be apart of the lgbtq community. It's way too negative and toxic.