Feels like my small circle of friends are done. We went from hanging out all the time to barely responding to one another.
One friend went to college last school year. That entire time before school started he kept telling us he didn't know if he wanted to be in a relationship with his girl anymore because he gonna be at a uni with a bunch of girls. Now fast forward.They closer now than ever, they moving in together in a apartment going to the same school next year. We all like cool that's good for him. But its either she gotta be around him 24/7 or he won't hang with us. Like damn bro what happened to some quality guy time? shyt be awkward when she just sitting there quiet af while we get drunk and play 2k. And ever since my step father made the rules that no girls over unless the girl is over strictly for me. He never wanna come over. And when we try to go do some other shyt he's cool on all that unless it involves going to the bar.
Side note: my step father made that rule because it would be like 20 dudes over smoking weed drinking talking mad shyt being aggressive meanwhile my friend got his quiet shy white girlfriend in a room packed full of nikkas. Made sense to me.
But then my other friend won't go to the bar because he doesn't like drinking. And since friend A doesn't wanna do any activities that don't come from him or if his gf can't be involved friend A and friend B never hang anymore.
Now on to friend B. dude got hurt in a incident which has had him not working for months now. He's down to hang sometimes but even his window has been limited. It used to be lemme come over and chill with you on this friday night to lets go to walmart for a little and i'll disappear for weeks. Everyone believes he's depressed because hes been hurt for the longest with nothing to do meanwhile me and Friend A are off to college at the end of the summer. So we try even harder to hang out with him. But for a friend whos been hurt and off his job for months hes always "busy". The last 3 to 4 weekends hes been "busy."
I've been trying so hard to hang out with my homies before we all go our separate ways but they just been giving me the fukk u signal. I hit up friend A I'm like what up hes like not shyt I'm like tryna cruise for a little? No response. I hit up friend B. He's busy at 10 pm on a Friday.
I'm just starting to see the pattern here. Friend A is always at a bar with a cowoker and he invites some other dude we went to high school with all the time but not me nor has he seen friend B in a month. Friend B is always like hes busy or he don't drink but he's always telling me he how he hang out with some other dude, who I don't really like by the way, and how he always "being forced to drink over there."
I'm just like

The crew just isn't cool anymore and its over. It just sucks cause all 3 of us here all summer. I live close to one of em. Yet somehow none of us hang out. I just wanted to cherish the moments with my homies before I left. Can't say I didn't try.