I feel you might have a closet full of Angel Brinks' items
While I'm here, I'm ready to stop fukking around and start taking my workouts to the next level. Any good videos on tips for deadlifting? @iBrowse@ChidikeEffenPatrón
Hey, you being mean today?
I remember when a cab driver knew his way around the city. Now, it seems like too many of them really on their GPS. Seriously, we are going 10 minutes away and you don't know how to get there? I'm going to a business not someone's backyard.
You know I'm sensitive and how that came across.I was just joking with primadonna she should know that
It's possibleI don't know....when I think trolling or the like, I think of someone who would post something wild while it is under your account. If that's her trolling, that is doing too much. I still think there is a possibility that she lowkey likes you