Essential The Locker Room's Random Thoughts


carti stan
Mar 25, 2013
San Junipero
Marvel vs. Capcom producer says maybe you don't even remember the X-Men characters


"no one gives a shyt about magneto"



carti stan
Mar 25, 2013
San Junipero
i ain't hating on lavar ball but he was a coin flip away from having a 30 for 30 praising his genius and success in the media/sports world to instead having a 30 for 30 about how reckless and stupid he was with his son's opportunities.

i don't know my stance on this honestly. i'm happy for him but at the same time being that risky with someone else's chances just will always not sit well with me.
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Stack Money

All Star
Apr 2, 2013
Los Angeles
I see I still got this punk ass white boy still typing essays about how he's refuses to ban bet over proof of blackness and isn't trying to pull up and talk to me with the same energy in person as he's mashing his keyboard.:russ:

It took you a whole week to come up with this weak ass response to me and you're still deflecting cac. Those cute lil smilies and you're horrible use of Ebonics didn't save you from the mods deleting your alias troll accounts, so it damn sure won't save you now.:mjlol:.

Just stick to trolling and bashing black women, you're too weak of a poster to be posting in all of the sub-forums that you do, littering this forum with your trast posts, cac humor and white supremacist rhetoric.
:umad:I see I still got your emotional ass comin back to bytch at me after you said this a month ago -

You're right, consider it done. To many words exchanged between two grown men behind the safe confines of the internet and not enough real life action for my taste. Where I'm from nikkas would pull up for less:dame:

I told you several times I always type alot in my posts cause I break down the bullshyt from you clowns, I also told you I never do bets to begin wit cause I think the shyt's lame and I ain't got shyt to prove to you especially when you a punk ass white boy yourself. The fact you even talkin about pullin up just shows how much I got you in your feelins:mspaintcamumad:ain't nobody wit a life finna fly across the country to G check corny dudes like yourself so miss me wit that "YOU WON'T PULL UP WHICH MEANS YOU'RE SHOOK!" spin attempt.

It didn't take me a week to come up wit anythin like I also said multiple times I don't live on here all day everyday like you do I didn't see your last reply until I logged on a couple minutes before I responded just like I didn't see this upset post of yours until right now, I talk like this in real life just cause you put on airs for the Coli to hide your cacness doesn't mean I do and I been usin alot of smilies in my posts since the 2000s cac (you callin them "cute" just confirms you're a fakkit btw:dame:). Quit projectin I don't have alias troll accounts that's you bytch there was only one account some dudes I made angry on here claimed was my alias which the mods merged wit this account, I don't need savin from bein ranted at by a sissy cac like you your hissy fits have no effect on me I'm clownin you the way I clown all of your types who I inadvertently make catch feelins.

A vote in a poll isn't "bashin black women" you fukkin retard:mindblown:you got triggered by mine and that other guy's vote for some weird reason when there was a third person who voted the same way yet you tried to single us out and lied runnin around screamin that I was trollin a black woman thread in a desperate attempt to make yourself look like you black, you even more pissed now that I called you out for that transparent tactic and exposed the cac behind the fake black militant posts you make.:mmmhmmiseeyou: You STILL tryin too hard talkin bout I have cac humor and white supremacist rhetoric just cause I cast a single vote in a thread ASKIN for our opinion, you the one that posts like a cac I had you out of character twice when you lashed out wit those over the top cac insults that bytchmade white boys always make online when they get real furious.:cacjordan:

:jbhmm:You gettin this mad at me over nothin and obsessively harassin me behind 3 aliases in here makes me think you that dude who had his cousin's black friend pretend to be him in videos, after he was banned and exposed as a cac like I said he was he tried to come back and bytch at me out of nowhere under one of his aliases a couple months ago until I called him out then a few weeks later you randomly tagged me rantin and ravin accusin me of trollin a thread I didn't even post in.:patrice: Your fake tough guy act talkin bout you run these e-streets issuin ban bets refusin to let shyt go is the same way he posted, he was on here constantly just like you and had a million accounts the way you do and you admittin you stalk all of my posts in other sections just shows how fixated you are on me like you have a vendetta which is exactly how he was after I kept makin him enraged. :ufdup:Let me find out you that same cac still pressed over some shyt from like 3 years ago, you the trollin trash poster litterin this site you need to stick to pretendin to be black and quit fukkin wit me cause Ima call your blatant try hard cac postin out whenever you come at me wit your bullshyt.:pacspit:


Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
I mean that's obvious to everyone that there is a huge difference in athletic ability.

U.S. Women's senior soccer team used to get their asses handed to them by high school men's squads during scrimmages
Facts, I played against a girl in soccer who was nationally ranked and highly skilled. She was better than me and she was taller. I was faster, stronger, more athletic, and I destroyed her. I hip checked her and she fell down. I weighed 142 lbs.

If I have her space she could score but if I played her physically she had no chance. She couldn't guard me and she couldn't break me down on offensive. She was cheating the whole game too.

She was so angry that I didn't play her like a girl she refused to shake my hand after the game. I noticed every guy who guarded her didn't really try, she took advantage of it and scored hella goals all season.

When I coached soccer I had my best youth boys team scrimmage a youth girls team. Given the age of the kids the girls were bigger. Those girls fukked those boys up. I had to pull some of them out because they were getting embarrassed so bad they were trying to hurt the girls.

The boys team was undefeated and blowing teams out. The girls team was too. They fukked my boys up. I had to stop keeping score in the first half.

I think the gap in athleticism and skill widens dramatically in early adulthood to late teens. Kids can beat kids in sports but male adults professional athletes will body their female counterparts.


Jan 24, 2016
Is it possible to fall for the same person more than once? It's different this time though, I can't explain this feeling. It feels like the first time but it also feels familiar. Im so lightskin right now:mjcry: