The Locker Room's Lizzo Rotund Thoughts

May 14, 2013
Her fan base is based off her fatness. Now I am not familiar with her career but I ASSUME she did not blow up thru a black fan base and gets the attention she is getting through white fan bases because usually rappers/singers with black fan bases are usually well known among us before blowing up and I never heard of her prior to this year. I honestly believe if she loses weight she will lose her fan base. Even my girl said she noticed all black Lizzo fans usually have a bunch of white homegirls that were the first to put them on to Lizzo.

White liberals stay pushing toxic agendas. Body positivity for fatties? Ain't nothing positive about being shaped like Yokozuna. :picard: Not only is it abhorrent, it's unhealthy as fukk. You don't really see morbidly obese people alive after a certain age that ain't that old. Don't get me started on that cac transgender acceptance shyt. Cacs co-signing 6'3" nikkas dressing like women and cutting off their family jewels. But cacs will never allow anyone to be "transracial" because white supremacy needs to be protected. Especially when race is often a poorly defined social construct that varies all over the world (i.e. what is considered black in Brazil is different from what is considered black in America) and not a biological one like gender. Sorry, y'all nikkas that get your dikk and balls cut off and take hormones will never be able to get pregnant and you still walk around with big Adam's apples. :huhldup: