Democrats don't need to appease bigots; they just need to get better at agenda setting, pushing back against grossly misleading right-wing framing of these issues, and stopping listening to people like you. There are tens of millions of potential voters out there who don't see a reason to turn out. There are also millions of your own voters staying home because they don't feel like their needs are being met. And it isn't because of transgender people. Go talk to those people. Engage with them seriously. Tailor your platform to strongly focus on improving their well-being.
Drop the half-measures and detach yourself from corporate influence. There's no reason we should be talking about striking a balance between being corporate-friendly and serving the public good. The balance should always tip toward the people, every time. That means ditching the consultants who only care about cashing in or climbing the ladder and instead putting real organizers, activists, and everyday people at the center of the strategy. Look at what happened to turn Georgia in 2020. Emulate what people like Stacey Abrams and Fair Fight Action did to achieve that.
Stop chasing after some mythical "swing voter" or "never Trumper" who's more interested in preserving the status quo than progress. The real coalition is out there in the form of workers, young people, marginalized communities, and so on, and they are waiting for a party that speaks to their struggles and actually fights for transformative change. If Democrats don't show they're willing to take bold, unapologetic action for the people, then we're never going to get out of this mess. We gotta start earning people's trust, and we're not going to do that by running away from marginalized groups, just for the sake of political expediency. It's time to stop playing around. You don't fight right-wing extremism with Republican-lite and Centrism.