was it "hate watching" when people watched the Giants and Cowboys the other day?

They are 2 mediocre teams, not much to praise about how their seasons have gone this year. Or should people be forced to only say positive things about Dallas and New York?
the notion that someone should only consume sports/entertainment of people they stan for and nothing else is odd
maybe one of the AEW superfans on here will finally answer me when I ask why they take criticism of the product so personally
i feel that there's nothing wrong with criticism if its the proper constructive ones. no show or person is perfect. some criticism is useful, some really isn't. of course none of us are employed by aew or any wrestling company to be able to do much of anything about it.
now looking at it from an analytical perspective, and using cowboys vs giants since its better explained in a sports analogy like most things are. when people turn on sportscenter or any sports related recap show on tv or on social media, the discussion is on the plays on the field or the decisions of the coaching staff at certain points in time. (like whatever the hell the bears were thinking at the end of their game). There's no mention of how many people are in attendance or how many viewers watched on tv. Those are the only numbers that fans can use to criticize a wrestling show tho cuz not everyones perspective is gonna be the same. You may be like, why did this guy win, and someone else may be like, oh I'm glad that guy won. criticism doesn't work if there are two viewpoints that both make sense to different people. unlike football where everyone can agree if a player is hurting the team.
everyone has different views from the most part, except for maybe agreeing that jericho and his stuff is no good. as well as ishii. not everyone gonna agree with your criticism but they also gotta understand that not everyone is gonna agree with their preferences.
i remember a quote from not too long ago where someone said they don't know how people refuse to admit that the company is so horrible or something like that. you can't state your case and then expect the rest of the court to agree with you.
wrestling is a business where we can criticize plenty of things from all over the place. whether its a certain persons in ring skills, moveset or move they do, promo abilities, how they can carry a story, etc. none of it affects us in any way. we just have to enjoy the parts we can and move on. criticism gonna always be there no matter what.