not sure what the interest will be with bad blood on but some may tune in or catch it after, like i may. i'll give
@Reality Check the freedom to make a thread if he chooses with interesting facts about the city. but i just came across a spoiler free card and it looks pretty decent.
Outrunners vs GYV should be exciting. the women should put on good matches, plus good to see that stat is ok. expecting PP to win the tag match but it should be a good one regardless. that 4 way also looks like it could be a banger. yuta vs beef might be the low point and OC/KOR vs PA might not be much better but hopefully those weren't long matches. out of 8 there are 5 maybe 6 potentially good matches.
just not sure where I'd squeeze it in with ufc after bad blood and then football starting early on sunday. may have to split the show and watch half and then finish the rest. regardless it looks like it may be a decent enough episode.