I don't know why they did the whole re-writing of the canon and introduced the whole Ravaa thing.

The whole idea of the Avatar being this reincarnated spirit was ruined by making it less about that and more about a direct fusion with some all powerful being. The turtles also were supposed to bend energy, not elements. So season 2 makes it so any random person can bend if a lion turtle gives them the gift?

I thought the original fire benders were dragons, original earth benders badger-moles, etc.
The civil war storyline was dope. They took it too far left field. By killing the connections with Aang and the previous Avatars, they more or less killed off all those characters, and the entire point of the avatar to begin with.
Korra was able to go into the avatar state way too easily. She barely had to struggle. Aang struggled to master the elements and was very young to even be told he was the avatar. Korra could bend everything but air as a toddler?
Also, why write Aang out to be a shytty father to 2/3rds of his children after he's dead and gone?
This show was fukking ridiculous.
The Red Lotus was the best part of the entire show.