'The Last of Us' - Season 1 Thread (NO GAME SPOILERS!) | HBO | January 15, 2023


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
This the type of shyt yall want ? :dead:

the only risk they pose is possibly throwing out your shoulder, about as dangerous as chopping weeds


to die from zombies in TWD you had to be WOAT status

nikkas was laying in a hammock, mowing down whole herds on some lazy sunday shyt :dead:


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
Breh, you start to feel bad for the zombies, they can’t even defend themselves :mjcry:

yall remember when herschel was mowing zombies down on some infinite ammo cheat code shyt :mjlol:

nikkas really like man TLOU so mid, there aint no action, i miss that piff herschel was giving us on TWD :sadcam:

Sad Bunny

May 2, 2012
TWD season1 wasn’t groundbreaking. Never said it was. But you cannot deny it gave more life to the zombie genre after just a few seasons. You may not enjoy it personally but there’s a reason why so many people are calling TLOU the new TWD. Because TWD was that big of a show that people are desperately searching for a similar show to scratch that zombie itch (which is funny because TLOU isn’t trying to be TWD). The reason I said groundbreaking is because some folk are acting like TLOU season 1 is groundbreaking. Fukk TWD their comparing it to critically acclaimed and highly praised shows like Breaking Bad, The Wire, GOT etc. I don’t remember people calling TWD the goat after just one season. If anything people were just saying it might be the next big show (like Lost or something), and it had major potential.

This is my opinion. TWD season 1 was more entertaining to watch. The story isn’t as deep as TLOU but it’s a funner/more preferred watch for me. Sometimes people want to watch a show to get lost in its world building, it’s universe. Focus on multiple characters/survivors etc. I feel like TLOU show (not the game) was inconsistent with that (Ellie & Joel is too much the focus which I didn’t like about the game either even though I think the game is better than the show).

Sometimes people also just want to watch “a plain ol’ zombie flick”, or fukkery. Which is what TWD basically is. It’s like TLOU season has more story depth. But it lacked entertainment (which I’ll argue it’s not really ment to be fun/entertaining, at least not completely). I know I’m probably not conveying this well lol. It’s really just preference.

Basically TLOU show season 1 aims to make you feel (cry and what not, feel for the Ellie and Joel). TWD season 1 is more like a show that aims to entertain you, make you jump maybe (because it’s like a survivor/horror, and drama), have a good time with the group of survivors killing zombies and what not. Plus Rick was a loved character by the viewer.

There were more characters to care for in TWD season 1 to.
The Walking Dead sucks.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
I listened to the official podcast driving home from work and Druckman said they did a poll at some point and people without kids were 50/50 on Joel's decision and people with kids were 100% on Joel's side.


I have a daughter

While I was watching I never ONCE questioned Joel’s decision except that he let the nurses live. He should’ve capped them too because in those circumstances you leave NO witnesses. Don’t want no rumors or myths or stories of some magically immune child out there running free.

I MIGHT have told her the truth because in my head cannon of me being in this situation, this is a young black girl i’m protecting and have emotionally adopted. I would have explained to her that restoring humanity to its former “glory” is nothing more than a lie, as modern day humanity wasn’t good to black people anyway and at least in this “new” reality survival seems to be more important than racism. I would have told her that HER LIFE and the right to actually EXIST was the most important thing, not sacrificing herself to a bunch of fraud doctors who would’ve likely bungled vaccine and were in the employment of a rag tag bunch of butt-hurt wannabe Taliban members masquerading as freedom fighters, and doing a TERRIBLE job of that. That her friend Riley’s death can’t be undone just like Sarah’s death couldn’t, but that both of them would have wanted us to live and experience all of the joy, wonder, laughter, and love that LIFE offers. That protecting her and seeing her live a full LIFE of self discovery was now my mission and consequence be damned, even her anger, be it momentary or forever. Because I love her, and any decision that led to her death would have broken me ten times over. That she is the daughter I never thought i’d have. The second chance I never thought i’d earn.

Or maybe I would’ve lied just like Joel.

Either way baby girl coming back to Jackson. THAT is a guarantee

King Static X

The Realest King (የተከበረው ንጉሥ)
Aug 18, 2017
Kings County
You saying all this but ignoring the fact that Ellie planned to live a life with Joel AFTER visiting the Fireflies.
I'm willing to bet that wouldve changed Ellie's stance a bit if Marlene told her she had to die and they THINK the cure would work this way.*

Joel's goal doesnt matter because to him he is saving Ellie's life from Marlene. Yall would have a point about Joel disregarding Ellie's wishes and being selfish IF we had gotten a scene with Ellie/Joel/Marlene talking about the surgery and Ellie giving the okay.

*Again i dont care about what Part 2 or the second season will cover. Im dealing with what we have in SEASON ONE. I think that is part of your issue. You are arguing based on how shyt plays in part 2 instead of how stuff is presented in season 1.
Nope, all of what I said is based off of what happened in the show. Anyways, I'll let Ellie (Bella Ramsey) explain that you are wrong:

"She knows deep down that he's not telling the truth, but she can't let herself believe it. Because it's too painful, and it's too scary, the idea that her only purpose in life hasn't been fulfilled. That that had been taken away from her by the person that she loves and trusts the most is too overwhelming. So she forces herself to believe Joel."

SOURCE: The Last Of Us' Bella Ramsey Explains What Ellie Is Thinking As Season 1 Finale's Shocking Finale Ends

And there it is :manny:


Jul 22, 2015
right and wrong discussion has no place in this scenario imo

Everyone’s looking out for their own self interest. Fireflies would have become the new United States government holding that vaccine hostage, if it even worked to begin with
shyt.........we sure Fedra gonna let them just keep the vaccine and not just kill them? Would be a lot of lil kingdoms scattered that would view a vaccine/cure as potentially losing their power imo.

shyt that has nothing to do with the show
I dont care what an actor feels like the character would feel. Already went over this with the dude arguing about the KC rebellion ppl being worse than the KC Fedra because bts the director said this or that. Use what's in the show to back up your points.

That also doesnt have shyt to do with the point I was making. Being that Ellie having to die for the cure may change how she feels about all of that.
So you have proved nothing. You have not proved that Ellie is willing to die to provide a cure in season 1.

King Static X

The Realest King (የተከበረው ንጉሥ)
Aug 18, 2017
Kings County
I dont care what an actor feels like the character would feel. Already went over this with the dude arguing about the KC rebellion ppl being worse than the KC Fedra because bts the director said this or that. Use what's in the show to back up your points.

That also doesnt have shyt to do with the point I was making. Being that Ellie having to die for the cure may change how she feels about all of that.
So you have proved nothing. You have not proved that Ellie is willing to die to provide a cure in season 1.
LOL, OK dude. Just continue to deny reality even when given ample evidence and proof. The producers of the show (Craig Mazin & Neil Druckmann) have also said the same thing.

"It allowed us to feel almost heartbroken by what Joel was doing and what he was breaking inside of himself and how he was betraying something that he probably knows Ellie wouldn’t want him to do."

SOURCE: 'The Last of Us': Did You Recognize the Music During the Hospital Scene?

But I guess I'm supposed to believe you and not the creators of the show or the actor who plays Ellie :skip: