'The Last of Us' - Season 1 Thread (NO GAME SPOILERS!) | HBO | January 15, 2023


blathering blatherskite!
Aug 15, 2018
Duckburg, NY
Erh I don't think you really need it.

Most of the elements that make a comeback in part 2 were pointed out in the discussions surrounding the ending right after the game came out. It's just that some folks refused to consider them and acted confused with part 2 as if there suddenly was a desire to paint Joel as evil.

the main point that drives it home is the discussion between jerry and Marlene. She asks jerry “what if it were abby?” And he freezes up. The fireflies/doctor knew they were wrong for how they were going about it and wanting to hide it from Joel. They saw Ellie as a faceless thing to bring the failing firefly faction glory. The way he was geeked about being able to cut her up was disgusting. People can say Joel is evil and wrong and whatever but this is the point of last of us. There is no real negan of the series, everyone is just kind of shytty and self centered, even Ellie.

Avisible Man

S/N: 52093850
May 24, 2022
you are evil incarnate


Joel was a courier. He's done it many times before, he knew what the job was. It's great that he was able to find purpose in life through Ellie, but that doesn't make her his daughter or him her guardian or decision maker. Once they arrived at the destination, his job was done.

Par for the course with Pedro Pascal. Did the exact same shyt in The Mandalorian after he completed the delivery of Grogu to Werner Herzog. He asked what that evil cac's plans were for Grogu. Guy was like "how very uncharacteristic of one of your reputation. You've taken both commission and payment. :ufdup: Is it not the code of the Guild that these events are now forgotten? :birdman:"

Despite the job being done, it wasn't in Din Djarin's code and it ain't in Joel Miller's.
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Jul 22, 2015
Alexandria would have been bodied if this was The Last of Us infected.
A bloater and a bunch of runners was getting them outta there :mjlol:

Joel was a courier. He's done it many times before, he knew what the job was. It's great that he was able to find purpose in life through Ellie, but that doesn't make her his daughter or him her guardian or decision maker. Once they arrived at the destination, his job was done.
His job was done when he got to the statehouse in episode 2.


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
I could be wrong but I didn’t interpret it as him “replacing” Sarah with Ellie. Just like if you had a child who died and then your blessed to have a new child, that child doesn’t “replace” the old one but your still given a renewed sense of vigor, care, and responsibility. Thats what Ellie is to Joel. Not a replacement but more so a fresh start. He even made sure to point out the differences between Sarah and Ellie and let her know that he appreciated and embraced those differences. Joel came to love Ellie for Ellie, she’s a real daughter to him not simply a replacement.
I don't mean it in a literal way. But that's one interpretation of that dialogue. He's traveling back with a very confused 14 year old and he's trying to keep light conversation -a reverse of what happened in the beggining of the story with Ellie being the one talking like crazy trying to connect with Joel any way possible- and we see how Ellie continues to be spaced out while this dude starts talking about her lost daughter (who he never spoke of before).

Joel's as liberated as he'll ever be at that point in his life, he's finally turning the page with someone he loves and will do anything to not fail to protect like he did in the past. And on the other hand you have Ellie like :francis: knowing dude is lying to her and having no clue what her whole tragic journey was all about, was it all to make Joel happy? Of course not, but at that moment, that exchange is kinda creepy.
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May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
The fireflies lied to Elie in the first place

If they did the noble thing and got her consent and was straight up with her to begin with the situation wouldn't have even become what it became for Joel.
They would know the gravity of the situation and both would have consented to that sacrifice

If the whole journey was about her dying I guarantee she would say yes but they didn't want to risk her not being okay with it which is why I have no problem with Joel killing them

They are insane scientists experimenting on a child to save a remnant of humanity that achieves nothing

I don’t think Joel, knowing what we know about how they came to bond over the course of their time together, would have consented one way or the other to allowing Ellie to be killed. Thats why he in turn lies to her as well. He wants her to live a “normal” life and grow up and become a woman and all that. He doesn’t WANT her having the noble “sacrifice myself for the greater good” mentality.

I even kind of doubt had Marlene been up front and the very beginning that she was basically a human science experiment that he would have taken the job. Joel doesn’t strike me as the type to sacrifice children at all. Look at how he treated Sam & Henry. He was much more amiable and merciful, even “kinder” to them than anyone other than Ellie. He even offered to allow them to travel together. A deaf kid and a teenager who couldn’t fight. Two more mouths to feed, cloth, and protect. And he was willing to protect and provide for them.


Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018
I agree with the lying being wrong :manny:

And for the "14 in this world is mature" crowd, no she still doesnt understand the weight of some shyt and she has been sheltered damn near all her life in a Fedra camp. She's still a kid. Yall acting like she was on the streets since she was 2 and had a hard knock life.
She, and I'm skipping a lot:
  • Killed her first love turned infected
  • Shot a teenager and paralysed him, saw him beg for his life and call for his mom before getting his throat slit
  • Had a lil boy she felt protective of turn monster, try to eat her, take a bullet in the head as he was on top of her
  • Saw a man blow his brain out right before her eyes
  • Sewn an injury on a conscious grown man
  • Fought grown men that tried to cut her in little pieces
  • Barely escaped a rape attempt
  • Cut a grown man into little pieces with a hatchet til his blood covered her entirely

That's a hell of a sheltered life :pachaha:

Come on breh. That 14 is meaningless for Ellie's agency.

And it's clearly meaningless for Joel to up until this point since he acknowledges her agency multiple times before. He recognizes she has a choice in episode 6, he again says that she has the choice to continue or not in this episode, after seeing the giraffes... If she has the choice to cross an entire country swarming with raiders and cannibals that she barely escaped, and Joel himself has no problem with that, then it begs to reason that the line he suddenly draws when it comes to her self-determination... Is for himself.

King Static X

The Realest King (የተከበረው ንጉሥ)
Aug 18, 2017
Kings County
I said Joel was wrong for lying.
No Joel is not the most wrong in the situation. The Fireflies/Marlene are :manny:
Marlene took away Ellie's choice and was about to kill her. At least Joel lying doesnt take her life.

Unless Ellie told Joel "Yes I will die for the cure", it doesnt matter what she told Joel beforehand. Anything other than that is up for interpretation by the viewer.
All the "she probably wouldve agreed" dont matter, because we'll never know since Marlene took that option away.
Um, Ellie literally told Joel before they were at the hospital that she didn't want her immunity to be for nothing ("There are no half-measures. We finish what we started"). Ellie could have easily agreed with Joel to go back to Wyoming to be in Tommy's commune - she didn't want to do that.

She wants her immunity to mean something and to not be in vain. That's also why she tried to give Sam some of her blood (and then apologized to him on his etch-a-sketch board after his death), Ellie wants the apocalypse to be over. She talked all the time in the series about wanting to "save" the world. That was her goal.

Joel's goal (after he meets & bonds with Ellie) is to regain what he lost - a daughter. He will do anything not to experience that loss again. That's even more reason why he lies to Ellie, he is afraid that she won't like him if he tells her the truth (but she already knows the truth). Ellie & Joel have 2 different goals that clash with each other and that will come to view in the second season.

old pig

Nov 12, 2017
That 14 is meaningless…

I keep hearing folks say she’s 14 which is true in the game but I have to go back and watch episode 7 bcuz I believe she’s older in the show…there was a part when her and her friend are talking during the flashback epsiode and I recall her mentioning something that made me realize ellie is older than in the game…I could be wrong…I’ll have to rewatch the episode


Jul 22, 2015
Yea, she went thru a lot of shyt...........further proving she aint in the right mind to make the decision anyway :sas2:
All that happened in a span of like 8 months. Let's not act like she some child soldier. :manny:
Also :salute: to you and @tru_m.a.c
You saying all this but ignoring the fact that Ellie planned to live a life with Joel AFTER visiting the Fireflies.
I'm willing to bet that wouldve changed Ellie's stance a bit if Marlene told her she had to die and they THINK the cure would work this way.*

Joel's goal doesnt matter because to him he is saving Ellie's life from Marlene. Yall would have a point about Joel disregarding Ellie's wishes and being selfish IF we had gotten a scene with Ellie/Joel/Marlene talking about the surgery and Ellie giving the okay.

*Again i dont care about what Part 2 or the second season will cover. Im dealing with what we have in SEASON ONE. I think that is part of your issue. You are arguing based on how shyt plays in part 2 instead of how stuff is presented in season 1.


I have no strings on me.
May 6, 2012
Nikka watch walking dead then. :childplease:

HBO is premium tv.

That shyt is beaten to dead. Zombies/Infected is just filler, adds nothin
I watched the latest episode.

So their whole motivation this season was to make it to the hospital?

What exactly is their motivation next season?
Just to stay alive?

I suggest you don’t watch premium TV and stick to simpler shows like to the walking dead
