'The Last of Us' - Season 1 Thread (NO GAME SPOILERS!) | HBO | January 15, 2023


Jul 22, 2015
They were worse, in that they were so blinded by revenge that they got a city that lasted for 20 years destroyed in 2 weeks :dead:.
They also were actually aware (due to the sinkholes) that the infected were actively tunneling under the town, but they willfully ignored it because they were entirely focused on going after ONE guy.

At least FEDRA was able to keep the people relatively safe.
Fedra were raping, hanging, and torturin ppl, withholding medicine and other shyt just to keep their power........:gucci:
Slave Masters were able to keep their slaves relatively safe too, slaves were dumb to revolt and not take the beatings and rapes on the chin :martin:

The decision to continue looking for Henry was only bad, because the truck randomly explodes. If that doesnt happen, they kill Henry and can handle that situation. Fedra were the ones that fukked up by putting the infected in the tunnels in the first place. There is no way that corralling all those zombies into the tunnels were easier than just putting bullets in them.


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
I rewatched ep. 5 and it went over my head that Kathleen gives two premonitions to where the series is going. I noticed the first one that has to do with
with the ending and Joel's decision. She literally asks Henry if Sam's life is worth fukking things up for the rest of the city. Huge wink wink to you know what :wow:

But I didn't really think how
Her thirst for revenge fukking everything up is a great tease to what Part 2 is all about for both Ellie and Abby. Love and how dangerous it can be is the theme for Part 1. Revenge and how meaningless it ends up being is the theme of Part 2

Craig Mazin really is in his bag with this show, and it's evident how big of a stan of the games he is :wow:


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
They were worse, in that they were so blinded by revenge that they got a city that lasted for 20 years destroyed in 2 weeks :dead:.
They also were actually aware (due to the sinkholes) that the infected were actively tunneling under the town, but they willfully ignored it because they were entirely focused on going after ONE guy.

At least FEDRA was able to keep the people they weren’t raping and torturing relatively safe.


All Star
Oct 30, 2014
How were they worse than the enemy?:jbhmm:

they were worse in that they literally just went along with shyt like executing and torturing and hanging people in the streets not JUST FEDRA even people who were just regular people that were put in a fukked up position by FEDRA agents

the whole point of a revolution to over throw oppressive or bad regines is to do better - but often its the case that the revolutionaries are as bad or worse than those who they over threw which is the case with a lot of places that have had revolutions ...even here.

some one said that this was neo liberal ism propaganda but propaganda is shyt that is contrived and made up to mis represent what actually happened

revolutionaries and people in revolutions doing fukked up shyt to get revenge on those they depose is something that has been repeated everywhere in the French revolution and the subsequent Reign of Terror , the English revolution , the russian revolution , the fascists in nazi germany , the chinese revolution and the great leap forward that occurred in the 1950s, viet name , cambodia , in south america argentina , peru, and recently columbia , cuba became an evil oppressive dictatorship after batista, iran , iraq ( since the 1950s ), in africa there was Mugabe , but also Angola , zimababwe,Rwanda...

the point is that despite the lofty aims of being better what keeps our collective acts from actually being the good things they are supposed to be are the individual failings of those in the collective and often the leaders who are all subject to the very human capacity for revenge selfishness, tribalism and greed.

that is real history ...not propaganda.

Nero Christ

Sniper out now on all digital platforms brev
Jan 15, 2017
St. Lucia
I don’t think a lot of these moments of foreshadowing would feel so obvious if we didn’t know where the story was going.

Yea if you didn't play the games...the stuff they're doing now will in future rewatches seem like great foreshadowing.

Gotta remember, there's a lot of people watching who never played the game.


May 3, 2012
Yea if you didn't play the games...the stuff they're doing now will in future rewatches seem like great foreshadowing.

Gotta remember, there's a lot of people watching who never played the game.
Yeah. I’m a thinking of True Detective, for example. Early on they show the killer leering at some kids but i don’t think it registered with many people, but in rewatch it’s seems obvious.


Jul 22, 2015
they were worse in that they literally just went along with shyt like executing and torturing and hanging people in the streets not JUST FEDRA even people who were just regular people that were put in a fukked up position by FEDRA agents
Do yall not know what "worse" means? The rebels were not worse than KC Fedra. They were all put in a fukked up position by Fedra. Some folded and ratted on others to get various favors. The rest stood tall because they saw the bigger picture and were willing to make the sacrifice. Let's not act like all of them had a dilemma like Henry. You heard Kathleen, some snitched just for extra rations and liquor.

the whole point of a revolution to over throw oppressive or bad regines is to do better - but often its the case that the revolutionaries are as bad or worse than those who they over threw which is the case with a lot of places that have had revolutions ...even here.
They were never given the chance to be worse. They still in the middle of the fight. The takeover happened 10 days ago. If this was 6 months after the revolution and they were raping and torturing random ppl, yall would have a point.

Then yall steady painting the collaborators as innocents in this. They got ppl killed, end of story. Yes they deserve to die. What happens when other Fedra show up to get back the QZ? You gonna trust them to not betray you again? You willing to risk death and the lives of your family on someone who has already shown to be a backstabber? Some of yall would be happy being under Fedra's boot because it's "safe", because yall would be the ones turning resistance members in for a bottle of liquor or an apple.

This how some of you nikkas coming off with your takes of "Fedra was better"


Marathon Mentality 🏁
May 26, 2012
TMC 8-24
I dont understand exactly what a bloater is. Are they going to explain that soon? Please don't tell me anything that's gonna spoil me

Pretagging @hex just in case. Y'all know imma snitch when it comes to the Film Room :ufdup:
Look at this collaborator :skip:


All Star
Oct 30, 2014
Do yall not know what "worse" means? The rebels were not worse than KC Fedra. They were all put in a fukked up position by Fedra. Some folded and ratted on others to get various favors. The rest stood tall because they saw the bigger picture and were willing to make the sacrifice. Let's not act like all of them had a dilemma like Henry. You heard Kathleen, some snitched just for extra rations and liquor.

They were never given the chance to be worse. They still in the middle of the fight. The takeover happened 10 days ago. If this was 6 months after the revolution and they were raping and torturing random ppl, yall would have a point.

Then yall steady painting the collaborators as innocents in this. They got ppl killed, end of story. Yes they deserve to die. What happens when other Fedra show up to get back the QZ? You gonna trust them to not betray you again? You willing to risk death and the lives of your family on someone who has already shown to be a backstabber? Some of yall would be happy being under Fedra's boot because it's "safe", because yall would be the ones turning resistance members in for a bottle of liquor or an apple.

This how some of you nikkas coming off with your takes of "Fedra was better"
Ok and in 10 days they were just killing people so many that they had to burn bodies ...if you're attitude is wel lemme kill the doctor in the apocalypse becuase i have a vendetta or kids die all the time every day ...

That means you're just as bad and the guys you got rid of ....

Noone is saying FEDRA was good - butthe fact that you're willing to rationalize and excuse savagery barbarity from the revolutionaries and at the same time condemn FEDRA for its savagery and barbarity is the WHOLE POINT of this episode ...

She's lying ( and by extension the revolutionaries are lying ) when she says they won't hurt any one if they give up or that they will get a fair trial...

she's given in to her bloodlust for revenge for the death of her brother and dudes don't make her pause or refuse to not shoot people en masse they just follow along .. just like the FEDRA troops who at some point decide to also just follow along and shoot people to exercise power and control ....

That's what meant that they aren't any different than FEDRA. They aren't interested in doing the right thing they are just interested in getting revenge.

So the populace by supporting or not actively resisting the revolutionaries bad acts inevitably dooms everyone from the real threat of the infected... remember she insisted that they could ignore the infected becuase it was more important to find Henry- she killed people who wouldn't have anything possible to offer on Henry -