Fedra were raping, hanging, and torturin ppl, withholding medicine and other shyt just to keep their power........They were worse, in that they were so blinded by revenge that they got a city that lasted for 20 years destroyed in 2 weeks.
They also were actually aware (due to the sinkholes) that the infected were actively tunneling under the town, but they willfully ignored it because they were entirely focused on going after ONE guy.
At least FEDRA was able to keep the people relatively safe.

Slave Masters were able to keep their slaves relatively safe too, slaves were dumb to revolt and not take the beatings and rapes on the chin

The decision to continue looking for Henry was only bad, because the truck randomly explodes. If that doesnt happen, they kill Henry and can handle that situation. Fedra were the ones that fukked up by putting the infected in the tunnels in the first place. There is no way that corralling all those zombies into the tunnels were easier than just putting bullets in them.