I do not understand why people keep saying this.
The show could have done both things and maintained what Bill was in the game. The flashback to Fedra rounding folks up, Bill gathering supplies and fortifying the town, Bill meeting Frank after he falls into the ditch, Frank and Bill falling in love... Bill still being an a$$hole and their relationship falling a part. They have a big fight, Frank leaves and Bill has too much pride to go after him, he lets him leave, then what happens in the game happens to him or they figure out a way to do it in their way for the show.
I fail to understand how the show couldn't of showed half of the backstory with flashbacks, and maintained that Bill was who he was ultimately. The deviation wasn't any better than what was in the game. Because if you tell that backstory like they did in the show, then you see Bill's reaction after running into Frank dead from committing suicide, you still get a heavy ass moment that wasn't touched on in the game because they didn't go too deep into their relationship like they did in the show.
I'm not in the camp that even thinks the EP was trash, but people acting like the reference material in the game couldn't have hit hard on an emotional level without having Bill off himself and have gay sex is ridiculous.