It's Neil, Kurt and Anthony. The latter two worked as creative designers in UC4.UC2 is Amy as she was lead writer and came up with the Uncharted idea, UC4 is Amy's script Neil just tweaked it (original script had Sam as the villain and dumbass Neil wanted to kill off Elaine in part 2 like for what?)
UC:LL was dope I'll give you that that's why I said I wouldn't mind being pleasantly surprised for their next game
But that's just building off of/extending the ideas created by the people who are no longer there so they already had a laid out template to work with
TLOU1 Neil wasn't even game director Bruce was
They balanced each other out that's why we didn't get the dumb story Neil originally had for the first game because Bruce realized Neil's ideas didn't make sense in the back drop of an apocalypse
Bruce got burned out and left
The games of the past are the result of Neil, Bruce, Amy and the rest of the team working together
That makeup of ND is not the same anymore as Bruce, Amy, and 70% of the developers left
It's all Neil now
The alternate version of TLOU 2 would've been worse from what I read.
Neil said it would've had Abby joining the community and then betraying Joel later on. It would've been a more open world game in Jackson and even longer than the current version.
“The game initially was this open world thing," Druckmann said. "And you spent all this time in Jackson." In the final version of the game, we only spend a few streamlined hours in Ellie and Joel's home of Jackson, Wyoming before Abby kills Joel and Ellie begins her quest. But in this alternate version, Abby sticks around for a stretch of time.
“Abby joined the community and you were playing as this new character until she betrayed Joel later on,” Druckmann said. “And it just didn't work because Joel dying is the inciting incident, and you want to get to the inciting incident as quickly as you can.”
This original introduction of Abby was clearly much more of a slow burn and would’ve added several more hours to what is already a surprisingly long single-player game. But more importantly, it would have stalled the main catalyst for the entire story.
Druckmann also admitted that Abby's prominent role in the final version of Last of Us 2 is far smaller than initially intended. "Abby was the concept that made us want to make this game about empathy, interactivity; knowing we could use Joel and Ellie to create that feeling right at the beginning," Druckmann said. "Her role actually kept shrinking and shrinking until we thought this is the right amount for what we need you to feel about Abby."
“Abby joined the community and you were playing as this new character until she betrayed Joel later on,” Druckmann said. “And it just didn't work because Joel dying is the inciting incident, and you want to get to the inciting incident as quickly as you can.”
This original introduction of Abby was clearly much more of a slow burn and would’ve added several more hours to what is already a surprisingly long single-player game. But more importantly, it would have stalled the main catalyst for the entire story.
Druckmann also admitted that Abby's prominent role in the final version of Last of Us 2 is far smaller than initially intended. "Abby was the concept that made us want to make this game about empathy, interactivity; knowing we could use Joel and Ellie to create that feeling right at the beginning," Druckmann said. "Her role actually kept shrinking and shrinking until we thought this is the right amount for what we need you to feel about Abby."