1) They should have executed Joel's death better instead of making him act out of character completely trusting Abby and willingly going to a cabin of strangers.
If they were consistent with Joel's personality, his mind would be filled with questions
and that scene wouldn't be very plausible. Joel dying wasn't my problem. My problem is with the way he died. They could have done his character a lot better than that. Instead they
chose to let him die in the most implausible and out of character way.
2) They should have done a better service to Abby's character instead of making her one of the most hated characters in video game history

Angry Joe had a better synopsis than ND IMO. Angry Joe's story would have made Ellie forgiving Abby make more sense and the revelation of who Joel really is and learning about what Abby's trauma is would have been mind blowing.
Bond with Abby outside of Jackson, she finally meets Joel, figures out who Joel is, flashes back to the hospital revealing the doctor was her father with the earlier parts of the game slowly revealing her past trauma but never hinting at what it was
I honestly don't know what to feel about the ending as a result and I think they made players
ply as Abby for too long. Should have been 75 Ellie/25 Abby. The story isn't bad it's actually incredible but flawed in execution. Playing it now,
it's one of the best stories ever but that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement.

That's why Neil Druckmann fulfilled his prediction of the story splitting the fanbase. His execution could have been better and now the fanbase is split because of it
3) ND pulled a MGS2 with this one. I was really looking forward to playing as Ellie and even though Abby's sections were fun and I didn't mind playing as her, it shouldn't have been for half the game. Should be 20-25%. Would rather play as Ellie with her explosive arrows
The game is a masterpiece but a flawed masterpiece. The game should have ended with Ellie killing Abby and leaving Lev to die or killing Lev as Lev is dying either way. Forgiving Abby made people feel like the game and its adventure was pointless, me included. They also did Joel dirty by how stupidly they killed him then forcing you to play half the game as Abby
If MGS2 had Raiden kill Snake and then play half the game as him
