I think very deeply
The whole movie wouldn’t fly today especially seeing how powerful the NFL has become . They covered sports gambling, drug addiction after career is over with, player suicide, and a brief attempted rape scene in a hot tub.half the jokes in this movie sadly would not fly with today's culture.
So it would be a true story in todays world.The whole movie wouldn’t fly today especially seeing how powerful the NFL has become . They covered sports gambling, drug addiction after career is over with, player suicide, and a brief attempted rape scene in a hot tub.
Would never make it to the big screen is all I’m saying. Hell they barely have sex scenes in movies anymore. You saw how the NFL handled Playmakers on ESPN.So it would be a true story in todays world.
On Netflix brehs
This movie is like the spiritual successor to Die Hard.
all the damon hate talk makes me wonder about all the Lethal Weapon TV talk
Dude really that much of a douche on the set?
Shane Black is in my top 5 for dialogue.