Why is it never niqqas being raised to learn how to control their emotions?
Even when niqqas kill, it's still at the feet of women.
The lack of accountability is astonishing.
Plenty of black men know how to control their emotions, myself being one of them.
The issue is, our discipline and ability to walk away from unnecessary conflict makes us “boring”.
Sisters want a man who is exciting, right? They want a man with some edge, do they not?
I’m sure that some of these murders are committed by 9-5 brehs, but let’s not be disingenuous and act like the average brother who has had to work his ass off to succeed academically and in terms of his career is about to throw it all away over a woman.
I’m in the gym right now, but when I am done I can find the study that shows that the majority of black women’s baby daddies have criminal records.
I wouldn’t be surprised if we can find a study that the majority of these men committing domestic violence have similar backgrounds.