The Key to a Successful Relationship is "Yes Dear"


Cacs Gonna Cac
Jun 16, 2012
Greensboro, NC
A couple gems dropped on my through the ages.

"As a man in a relationship, you will either be happy or right. Not both"

"There are two ways to argue with women. Neither of them work"


May 4, 2012
A couple gems dropped on my through the ages.

"As a man in a relationship, you will either be happy or right. Not both"

"There are two ways to argue with women. Neither of them work"
Im both. I give her her due when shes right its just, most of the time shes not. :ld:

The men that fukk up are the ones that argue every detail of every point with their woman. Tryin to catch them slipping up with logic and choices of words. This is p*ssy in my opinion. There comes a point where you just have to say *We're Done talking about this* :hmm: You're foot is down and the decision is made. Sittin up there debating especially when you're trying to convince her that you know shes wrong, is pointless.


Newly-wed :blessed:
May 16, 2013
Not around my house. Over here the key to our success if making sure im not pissed off. If you establish early in the relationship that you are temperamental/bossy and give your woman drastic opposites of yourself like night and day, she will learn its just not convenient for you to be upset because of how drastic your attitude towards her becomes. Saved me a lot of pain.

I'm abit like this in my current relationship and honestly I don't think it's the best way.

You're training her to fear your dark side and make sure she never falls out of line. She ends up subconsciously walking on egg shells knowing she can't mess with you.

I'm like this now and I want to change it I don't like it.

How many of yall dudes ever look your woman in the eye and ask her

Who the fukk you think you talking to? :birdman:


Yes I have. Quite a few times now she never falls out of line much. I hate it though. I wanna change.


May 4, 2012
I'm abit like this in my current relationship and honestly I don't think it's the best way.

You're training her to fear your dark side and make sure she never falls out of line. She ends up subconsciously walking on egg shells knowing she can't mess with you.

I'm like this now and I want to change it I don't like it.

Yes I have. Quite a few times now she never falls out of line much. I hate it though. I wanna change.
Well find a man thats p*ssy.

What it actually does, TheraFlu, is trains her to choose her battles. Again, i turn the darkness off when i know im wrong and when its a big deal but women can often turn up the volume a little too much for issues that are petty. When i feel extras are being put on pettiness, or if shes flat out wrong but trying to talk me down and not accept responsibility for being wrong, im going to turn that darkness on. Trust me, you like it more than you realize. If you're next man pussies out ull belike *wow, so and so would have never let me get away with that *:ohhh: which opens the doors for disrespect.

My wife and i hardly fight. Dont argue to be right, argue to come to the best conclusion. In my case, that just happens over and over again to be my way.


Newly-wed :blessed:
May 16, 2013
Well find a man thats p*ssy.

What it actually does, TheraFlu, is trains her to choose her battles. Again, i turn the darkness off when i know im wrong and when its a big deal but women can often turn up the volume a little too much for issues that are petty. When i feel extras are being put on pettiness, or if shes flat out wrong but trying to talk me down and not accept responsibility for being wrong, im going to turn that darkness on. Trust me, you like it more than you realize. If you're next man pussies out ull belike *wow, so and so would have never let me get away with that *:ohhh: which opens the doors for disrespect.

My wife and i hardly fight. Dont argue to be right, argue to come to the best conclusion. In my case, that just happens over and over again to be my way.

Breh, it seems like we are in identical situations, stern and getting your point across letting them know the deal early on but turning it on and off. I call it the 'darkness' also because shes seen me switch and now she never falls out of line.

We also rarely argue as well at the beginning we did but I trained her to know which battles to pick also.

I do have my breh's ask me shyt like 'how did you manage to do that' but honestly it was a natural thing. Growing up i never wanted anyone to take me for anything less and became quite stern it leaked into my relationships also.

It's just weird because as you know here in the West we are being taught this isn't right and men shouldn't have that power. A man who knows how to keep his wife in check is quickly called controlling or the sorts.

So it causes some conflict me wondering if I'm too much seen as all the men around me are 'yes men' in those type of 'yes dear' relationships. Makes me wonder if I should conform or stick to my old ways.

This has been my best relationship handling it this way though, minimal fights and genuine satisfaction.

Thoughts ? :lupe:


May 4, 2012
Breh, it seems like we are in identical situations, stern and getting your point across letting them know the deal early on but turning it on and off. I call it the 'darkness' also because shes seen me switch and now she never falls out of line.

We also rarely argue as well at the beginning we did but I trained her to know which battles to pick also.

I do have my breh's ask me shyt like 'how did you manage to do that' but honestly it was a natural thing. Growing up i never wanted anyone to take me for anything less and became quite stern it leaked into my relationships also.

It's just weird because as you know here in the West we are being taught this isn't right and men shouldn't have that power. A man who knows how to keep his wife in check is quickly called controlling or the sorts.

So it causes some conflict me wondering if I'm too much seen as all the men around me are 'yes men' in those type of 'yes dear' relationships. Makes me wonder if I should conform or stick to my old ways.

This has been my best relationship handling it this way though, minimal fights and genuine satisfaction.

Thoughts ? :lupe:
I had friends who got bossed around by their woman. My woman would be in the bathroom cleaning the tub and asking me if im good. When my friends saw this their girlfriend would be the first to hate

*o wow, so shes just your little servant huh*
*o shes your maid*
*o shes your mother*

Then my boy chimes in,
* i guess if you like dating robot thats ok*

I never let it effect me because i know where it came from. Her seeing my woman like that made her defensive because she didnt want her man having those expectations of her and my boy had to play the line to keep his relationship drama free. I had to tell her one day, to stop it. My mother didnt do those things for me. My mother actually made me clean the entire house every week. Thats just the respect i get from women. Those are the only types of women that even like me, to be honest.

Now you take this same woman, if her man is cleaning the entire house, cooking all the meals and paying all the bills and dikking her down do you really think shes going to protest and say *baby baby you're like a servant. let me do this and that. ill cook and clean* No shes going to brag to her girls about how GOOD of a catch she has because her man allows her the freedom to not have any real responsibility in the relationship.

These types of women when you ask them what they do for their man they say *i support his goals* *im there to talk to him when he need me* I mean its very vague.

In my opinion, you cant have 2 chiefs and someone has to lead. Someone WILL naturally take the lead. 50 50 only exists in the minds of people that have the control and dont want the other to realize it or people that dont have it and need a way to feel good about themselves. If you naturally have the ability to command that type of respect from your woman, i dont see how its a bad thing because believe me playa, the opposite is going to cause you stress. Being subservient to a woman will not feel natural for you.

Now that i have a family, I had to realize that i have to pull back on Some of that. I had to choose my battles. For example if my wife is breastfeeding and she says *babe get me those tissues* THAT ARE ACROSS THE fukkING ROOM :steviej: I gotta go get those tissues. This happens a lot. I just went and bought 3 boxes of tissues and put them in various places just so i didnt have to hear that shyt anymore. :russ: Like you cant make Everything into a power struggle but like you said, its a feeling, you know when someone is stepping over the line and sometimes, shyt just isnt all the way fair, but a woman that loves you will eat alot of that for the greater good of the relationship because shes getting more out of it then shes losing.

In the long run, you'll be better off than a lot of your friends and what ull notice if you start trying to be like them, your woman will gradually get slick with her words and ull find yourself checking her more often. A woman that believes in you and takes care of you is one less thing to worry about which will allow you to worry more about gettin that paper. The nikkas with the diva will separate or have a gay son.


LWO suicide bomber
Nov 19, 2012
Out here in my damn drawls
Y'all hen-pecked married brehs need to do something about your women

One of my friends graduated recently and got married to his college sweetheart sourheart this past February (stereotypical, stuck-up, control freak, AKA sorority broad). He came back to campus to see his younger brother (a freshman this year). We saw him and we went back to his crib for a minute. We hung out, and he rode out with us to shoot the shyt for half the day and play poker and whatnot and his woman told him before he left the crib, :ufdup: "Be home at 6:30 and I'm not even playing". The fact that she did it in front of us was :scusthov:.

He told us that she's all pissed because he didn't go to church with her yesterday, and she blames his lack of wanting to go to church on the brehs, me especially, because I told her straight-up that I was a non-believer like a year ago (and I left it at that) and she said I was going to hell and everybody around me was going too, and I just gave her a smug shrug and kept eating She can't stand the 4 of us and it burns her soul because he refuses to give a damn

Anyways, the real reason why ol' boy doesn't want to go to church with her is because he doesn't like her church, or the people there, especially her brother (the deacon who he knows things about that he'd rather not tell her) because had called him out in church one Sunday for almost taking his sister away from family. Dude got a good paying job offer in Washington state, but turned it down because she made a big deal about not wanting to move away from family, and she cried to her brother and father, and they spoke on it in church and had the church praying for God to help them find a compromise............the compromise is this nikka stuck in South Carolina, working a job that he didn't major for, making $8 dollars an hour less than what the job in Washington offered :pacspit:

So 5:30 rolls around and he calls in advance and tells her he's coming home around 11 (he was going to watch Breaking Bad with us. She starts yelling loud over the phone and he goes outside, comes back in and says "Aight fellas, I'm out" :to:. He goes home and we are still chillin' at the spot, but around 7 o'clock she comes knocking on the door like the police. At this point, we had already smoked some joints, so I got nervous and put a book over my face and pretended like I fell asleep studying :heh:. We find that it's ol' girl and she's coming to confront us on our influence on her man (when that's not the case at all) and he's just standing behind her like :manny:. To avoid any problems, we just got up in the middle of her diatribe and left (even though it was our boys crib). She was about to call the police because she smelled the weed in the house and he finally stepped up and was like, :whoa: "Calm the fukk down".

Now he's not allowed to fukk with us for the time being (his words) and if he does, they will have to go to couples counseling (7 months into their marriage :comeon:)
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May 2, 2012
Y'all hen-pecked married brehs need to do something about your women

One of my friends graduated recently and got married to his college sweetheart sourheart this past February (stereotypical, stuck-up, control freak, AKA sorority broad). He came back to campus to see his younger brother (a freshman this year). We saw him and we went back to his crib for a minute. We hung out, and he rode out with us to shoot the shyt for half the day and play poker and whatnot and his woman told him before he left the crib, :ufdup: "Be home at 6:30 and I'm not even playing". The fact that she did it in front of us was :scusthov:.

He told us that she's all pissed because he didn't go to church with her yesterday, and she blames his lack of wanting to go to church on the brehs, me especially, because I told her straight-up that I was a non-believer like a year ago (and I left it at that) and she said I was going to hell and everybody around me was going too, and I just gave her a smug shrug and kept eating She can't stand the 4 of us and it burns her soul because he refuses to give a damn

Anyways, the real reason why ol' boy doesn't want to go to church with her is because he doesn't like her church, or the people there, especially her brother (the deacon who he knows things about that he'd rather not tell her) because had called him out in church one Sunday for almost taking his sister away from family. Dude got a good paying job offer in Washington state, but turned it down because she made a big deal about not wanting to move away from family, and she cried to her brother and father, and they spoke on it in church and had the church praying for God to help them find a compromise............the compromise is this nikka stuck in South Carolina, working a job that he didn't major for, making $8 dollars an hour less than what the job in Washington offered :pacspit:

So 5:30 rolls around and he calls and tells her he's coming home around 8 or 9. She starts yelling loud over the phone and he goes outside, comes back in and says "Aight fellas, I'm out" :to:. He goes home and we are still chillin' at the spot, but around 7 o'clock she comes knocking on the door like the police. At this point, we had already smoked some joints, so I got nervous and put a book over my face and pretended like I fell asleep studying :heh:. We find that it's ol' girl and she's coming to confront us on our influence on her man (when that's not the case at all) and he's just standing behind her like :manny:. To avoid any problems, we just got up in the middle of her diatribe and left (even though it was our boys crib). She was about to call the police because she smelled the weed in the house and he finally stepped up and was like, :whoa: "Calm the fukk down".

Now he's not allowed to fukk with us for the time being (his words) and if he does, they will have to go to couples counseling (7 months into their marriage :comeon:)

:snoop::snoop::snoop::snoop::snoop::snoop::snoop::snoop::snoop::snoop: So many L's damn, your homie done lost his control :ufdup:


LWO suicide bomber
Nov 19, 2012
Out here in my damn drawls
:snoop::snoop::snoop::snoop::snoop::snoop::snoop::snoop::snoop::snoop: So many L's damn, your homie done lost his control :ufdup:

:what: What do you mean lost control? The nikka never even had a say in the relationship from the jump :pachaha:. It's not even a partnership, she runs shyt unchecked and when she can't get her way, she cries to her father and brothers and they have these little prayer meetings at the house on Sundays before dinner after church, and it always praying about shyt that he has to do to make their spoiled, manipulative princess happy:wow:. The only person that is ever on his side is her mother. She was telling her that it might be in her best interest to move when he had the job offer, but ol' girl and her father ain't want to hear that shyt :no:

I tried once to speak reason to my dude, but I don't want to be that single nikka who's never been ( or even desires to ) get married, trying to tell another man about his woman. I'm 21 (going on 22 this week:win:) , he just turned 24, so naturally he's not going to listen to much I have to say anyways :shrug:. Me and the boys tried, so fukk it


Thanks to the lawyers uh, I marbled the foyer
Mar 19, 2013
Somewhere tropic...
:what: What do you mean lost control? The nikka never even had a say in the relationship from the jump :pachaha:. It's not even a partnership, she runs shyt unchecked and when she can't get her way, she cries to her father and brothers and they have these little prayer meetings at the house on Sundays before dinner after church, and it always praying about shyt that he has to do to make their spoiled, manipulative princess happy:wow:. The only person that is ever on his side is her mother. She was telling her that it might be in her best interest to move when he had the job offer, but ol' girl and her father ain't want to hear that shyt :no:

I tried once to speak reason to my dude, but I don't want to be that single nikka who's never been ( or even desires to ) get married, trying to tell another man about his woman. I'm 21 (going on 22 this week:win:) , he just turned 24, so naturally he's not going to listen to much I have to say anyways :shrug:. Me and the boys tried, so fukk it

My nikka, that's crazy. Her family prays for her, you should pray for your boy too. That the sucka nikka demon leaves his body. :wow:


May 1, 2012
Well find a man thats p*ssy.

What it actually does, TheraFlu, is trains her to choose her battles. Again, i turn the darkness off when i know im wrong and when its a big deal but women can often turn up the volume a little too much for issues that are petty. When i feel extras are being put on pettiness, or if shes flat out wrong but trying to talk me down and not accept responsibility for being wrong, im going to turn that darkness on. Trust me, you like it more than you realize. If you're next man pussies out ull belike *wow, so and so would have never let me get away with that *:ohhh: which opens the doors for disrespect.

My wife and i hardly fight. Dont argue to be right, argue to come to the best conclusion. In my case, that just happens over and over again to be my way.

i feel u on that i dont got time too be arguing with you over petty or dumb stuff chill out with that is what i tell her and then its squashed majority of the time.

she wont cross the line cuz she knows where that will get her if she does.