Why is the detail about her ancestry important right now?
Trump is a German immigrant. He married eastern European women.
He's in office.
Tanehesi Coates proclaimed him the "First White President"
Trump is neither an English descendant of the Pilgrims of Plymouth Rock.
Neither an English descendant of the Cavaliers of Jamestown.
If South Florida Cubans are subsumed under "whiteness" with no type of nordic European ancestry whatsoever, I don't understand the problem with Kamala?
People don't bat an eye at the classification of Ted Cruz being white, when he's actually latin.
This stuff about there being "white" Hispanics is bullshyt considering 100 years ago, the "creators" of whiteness did not extend the identity of whiteness to those of latin or sub-nordic European descent.
White people wield the identity of whiteness to their gain.
And wield the identity of blackness always for some bullshyt.
At the turn of the 19th century, prominent black New England businessman became interested in going back to and resettling Africa. They started a movement.
White southern planters, who formed the American Colonization Society, saw that movement as a vehicle to send black people, free or enslaved, back to Africa.
The black New England businessmen, after learning about how the ACS coopted their movement, pumped their breaks and said "nah, we're staying right here....America is rightfully ours." They got on code.
Learn from history.
Don't be caught our here co-signing white supremacists who are now co-opting y'all nationalistic movement for their own gain.