I don’t want to get off topic but trust me, it’s deeper than that. I’m not a conspiracy theorist but I’m a low budget sociologist.
I remember back in 2011, me and my ex went to watch a movie and we saw the longest line of white women ever. We thought we stumbled across a Taylor Swift concert but they were all there waiting to watch “The Help.”
That told me all I needed to know. White America loves the mammy image. It’s non-threatening and reminds them of the good ol’ days when black women were in a subservient position.
Look at how mad they got over removing the “Aunt Jemima” caricature. Why would they get upset over an offensive black stereotype being removed? The mammy image makes them feel safe. “Look at this non-sexual smiling black woman. Being a good negro and went nurse for little Timmy and Jill with her hair covered up.”
You’re gonna stop buying syrup because you don’t see a mammy smiling back at you? Think about how sick that logic is.
If I’m lying, why is the token black woman usually this archetype in most Hollywood films/series? They only allow biracial/lightksinned black women to be the lead and attractive (Zendaya/Zoe Kravitz/Yara Shahidi).
The Little Mermaid girl is one of the rare exceptions recently but look at the unwarranted hate she has gotten for that film.
Mammys have been the Hollywood representation for black women and effeminate gay black men have been for black men: two “marginalized” groups who are happy to be the token even when they’re being ridiculed (Precious?). Why? Because they’re getting “noticed” and accepted.
It goes much deeper but I don’t want to derail this thread. Just watch any show and their commercials and count how many black women (who aren’t biracial or light skinned) you see. And count how many of them aren’t fat/obese.