The Prince of All Saiyans
Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
Its on showcase btw this wasnt a random bumb without reason 

I don't think it was a bait n switch. They had every intention of doing what we thought they would with the Finn character but, there was so much backlash from the racist white nerd community they neutered the characterIm trying to figure out how people in here acting like it wasnt an obvious bait and switch.
Id never watched a full Star Wars movie in my life until this one. On the strength of John Boyega and a black leading protaginist as a jedi. I was in the theatre til the very end of the movie thinking he was about to have his moment. It didnt finally click until you saw the white girl grab the lightsaber with the force
I remember saying "yeeaaah" outloud too,when Finn first took the saber out to fight the villian. Only to be humbled seconds later with Finn face down in the snow.
Maybe Disney planned on him being the jedi until they got that reaction from the trailer. From angry racist ass white boys. That white woman was just something to fall back on,if they had to bail on the idea. Wouldve been a far bigger success with the Finn angle.
I don't think it was a bait n switch. They had every intention of doing what we thought they would with the Finn character but, there was so much backlash from the racist white nerd community they neutered the character