I was just out there this past weekend for the Jazz festival, I stayed at my aunts house by Piedmont on Prado… Didn’t know my aunt had some dimes living next door to her, me and a neighbor shorty chilled all weekend.. Broad didn’t even care I was married
I can’t understand how a lot of mofos in the A are gay… it’s so many broads out there, they don’t even care they sharing a dude they just want in lol..
My aunt husband a funny ass dude.. mofo like “brotha you don’t understand how hard it is to walk righteous in the eyes of the lord out here, it’s a constant battle and you gotta be strong to not be tempted by the flesh”
He said even if you actively trying to avoid it they throwing it at you.. mans said the worst play to go is to church lmaoo, he said he stay home and my aunt go to church in sunday