Westlake Principal and his wife drowned in P.R.

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Fulton County principal, wife drown in Puerto Rico
Credit: Fulton County Schools / Channel 2 Action News
NEWS| Updated 1 hour ago
Alexis Stevens, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
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He was a dynamic leader who inspired both his colleagues and his students. On Wednesday, the Westlake High School community mourned the loss of its principal, who died along with his wife during a weekend trip to Puerto Rico.
Jamar and Ann Marie Robinson were swimming in the ocean Sunday behind their hotel when AnnMari began to struggle against the current,
according to a Puerto Rico news report. Jamar Robinson tried to reach her, and both went under water, the report said.
Others in the area attempted unsuccessfully to rescue the couple, local authorities told the news outlet.
“Fulton County Schools is mourning the tragic loss of Westlake High School principal Jamar Robinson and his wife," the school system said Wednesday. “Robinson was an inspirational leader who brought joy with his passion for education and his students. We join the community in remembering him and expressing our condolences to his family.”
Jamar Robinson had been principal of the school, just outside of the Atlanta city limits in south Fulton County, since 2018. But he began his teaching career years earlier in DeKalb County.
As news of the Robinsons' deaths spread, colleagues, students and alumni used social media to express condolences.
“Our hearts are broken for the family of Mr. Robinson and Mrs. Robinson and the entire Westlake community,” Bobby May, Westlake football coach, posted on Twitter late Tuesday. “We will always remember Mr. Robinson as the principal who worked tirelessly, was always upbeat, passionate, never missed a game or event and LOVED his students with a heart that was unmatched."
Administrators sent an email to Westlake families informing them of a switch to online learning Wednesday due to “the tragic death of a staff member," although Robinson was not named. A spokesman for Fulton County Schools confirmed his death to Channel 2 Action News.
A native of the Atlanta area, Jamar Robinson graduated from Southwest DeKalb High School and then attended Florida A&M University before earning advanced degrees at Georgia State University and Georgia Southern University, according to the
Fulton school system website.
While at FAMU, Jamar Robinson served as the drum major for the band,
according to The Famuan student newspaper.
“I always want to be the best — the top in whatever I do,” Robinson said in an article published in 2000. “It was part of my personality to be a drum major because I had to be the best in the best band. There’s no settling for less.”
Ann Marie Robinson, who also studied at FAMU, was an assistant professor at Georgia State on the Perimeter campus, according to the university.
Those who knew the couple were shocked by the deaths, sharing thoughts throughout the day on social media.
Eldread Nunnally, assistant principal at Stockbridge High School and former Westlake teacher, said Jamar Robinson was one of the best mentors he ever had.
“You served as the heartbeat of the Westlake community and a true role model for all,” Nunnally said in a tweet directed at the late principal. “A perfect example of actions speaking louder than words ever could. Thank you for everything big bro and job well done.”
Former Westlake football coach Kareem Reid said in a tweet he “never saw a principal more adored by his students.”
“I remember how happy I was for Mr. Robinson when he was named principal at Westlake,” said Reid, who now coaches at Griffin High School. “I’m just as sad today. Rest in power!”