Clayton and DeKalb been majority black for a while. If it werent for Alpharetta, Milton and the cities in North Fulton, then Fulton County would be majority black as well.
I dont think there is a main for example, my subdivision is probably 97% black..the neighbors I know are firemen, a teacher, a plumber and a delivery driver
North Henry County is ok, (Stockbridge, North McDonugh,) the rest is somewhat rural (Ola, Locust Grove)..Part of Hampton where Atlanta Motor Speedway is leading to Griffin is kinda rural
West Rockdale County is ok cause its right on the border of Lithonia and Stonecrest, but as a whole I consider Rockdale somewhat rural. My girl stays out there and I used to get pulled over by 3 cops every time I went to Conyers cause I have a Clayton County tag
I dont know too much about Douglas County I think
@AVXL can speak on it. I know Bankhead Highway runs into Douglas Co and thats where 6 Flags is.
Clayton, DeKalb are both urban