The future of black America (prediction thread)


May 11, 2012
PJ's to the Burbs
I've really enjoyed your posts in this thread, but the bolded is where we've got it twisted. We're like a rodent spinning on a wheel until we realize that.

Black people have an incredible work ethic. Our history proves it and many make miracles with nothing today. And there is no doubting our entrepeneurial skills either. It's within us. And in a country that has done all they can from educating us, it was necessary.

The real problem is that we do not have power in this country, even with a Black president. If that isn't a reality check, I don't know what is. Those who do have power obtained it on the strength of our backs. They have the laws, they have the money, they have the power. Even worse, they have no intention of allowing us to obtain any of that to a scale where we can enact change. Hell, they may even be trying to kill us off on the low.

You'll say, well we're making progress. The progress you speak of today has been around since forever. Blacks flourished during reconstruction. They also owned many banks in the 1950's. We've always had athletes and celebrities. And there are many studies today that show the bulk of us are worse off than what we were immediately after the Jim Crow era.

The game is rigged. There's been one thing that has forcefully held us back. Yet instead of moving away from that resistance, we doggedly try to fight it. We've spent way too long doing that, all because they've somehow brainwashed us into thinking whatever we do has to be done here, among them, or it ain't legit.

We aren't supposed to be here, oppressed mentally and physically by others. This isn't the end of our destiny. The future of Black America will be Blacks leaving America and finding a place where they can lay a foundation for their children, accumulate wealth and forever break the mental shackles that remain to this very day.
I agree with everything you posted I just disagree with the perspective.
The reason we keep spinning in the wheel is because with integration our focus was on just being a part of society, so as we "progressed" and we became CEO's and Managing Directors and in few cases Partners we were in essence content to be the black face of a white institution. We looked at being the lone black person as a badge of honor and we gonna prove that we can compete and open doors, which isnt exactly bad its a necessity honestly, but what folks misunderstand is there is an additional step past that. Yeah you opened the door, yeah you were the only one now there is 50 but what we should have done next is OPENED OUR OWN.
There is no excuse for there to not be a "Big 4" Acct firm, or Law Practice, or Investment house. Training the next generation and those to follow. You are right we lack the institutions but now we have the knowledge to make em and dominate. I keep reading about the lack of hiring in Silicon Valley yet black folks are graduating at a higher rate than most in those fields then why not start your own.
The blue print has been done b4 in this nation, I'm sorry I just cant walk away from shyt I built i'm hardheaded like that. But we still need to build institutions: schools, firms, cornerstones of the economy. We have all this wealth but we just spend it on others pockets. We gotta do for our own and call out any1 who is acting contrary
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Jul 26, 2012
I agree with everything you posted I just disagree with the perspective.
The reason we keep spinning in the wheel is because with integration our focus was on just being a part of society, so as we "progressed" and we became CEO's and Managing Directors and in few cases Partners we were in essence content to be the black face of a white institution. We looked at being the lone black person as a badge of honor and we gonna prove that we can compete and open doors, which isnt exactly bad its a necessity honestly, but what folks misunderstand is there is an additional step past that. Yeah you opened the door, yeah you were the only one now there is 50 but what we should have done next is OPENED OUR OWN.
There is no excuse for there to not be a "Big 4" Acct firm, or Law Practice, or Investment house. Training the next generation and those to follow. You are right we lack the institutions but now we have the knowledge to make em and dominate. I keep reading about the lack of hiring in Silicon Valley yet black folks are graduating at a higher rate than most in those fields then why not start your own.
The blue print has been done b4 in this nation, I'm sorry I just cant walk away from shyt I built i'm hardheaded like that. But we still need to build institutions: schools, firms, cornerstones of the economy. We have all this wealth but we just spend it on others pockets. We gotta do for our own and call out any1 who is acting contrary
We've tried this before. We've had the knowledge.

We had congressmen 100 years ago. We had banks. We had businesses. We had our own accounting firms. So no, there is nothing new that we're doing here. They just find new ways to crush it. What's the definition of insanity again?


All outta Gill
Jun 17, 2012
There is no future for Black people in America, and if Black Americans don't wake up and take their talents back to Africa, then there will be no future for Black people on Earth...

There are Billions of Chinese, they are running out of space...Africa looks like a stupid girl with her legs open, if Black Americans don't penetrate, somebody else will...

I don't think there will be the people as we know as "Black" today in the future...

The future is also dim for so called "White" people...Europe will be dominated by foreigners...But "White" people have a chance because they have power and they are ALWAYS working on bio-weapons that kill every other race except White...You better believe that...

Retired Account

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2015
The Bronx
There's no future for any race in America at this point , I think Russia will surpass us tho

Russia is in a far worse condition then the US
We will still be called black/African American but will no longer look black . The mixed kids of black people will be dominant slowly but surely mixing with white people or each other until real black people are gone.

I like what the chinese are doing in Africa it needs help for the moment its beneficial and anyone who is comparing to colonization by white people must not know history. Africans are trading with the Chinese and its a symbiotic relationship they know what the chinese wants but they are giving back in return for the resources they are taking from Africa . They are not children who dont know right from wrong and dont need to be talked down to by westerners or Aframs who cant even get their own shyt together.

Ill worry about the chinese and fight against them when they start raping, killing , enslaving and taking away resources without giving anything back in return

There will always be black people in America. Black people are and will always be a minority.


Nov 6, 2015
Great replies. I concur with a lot.
Blacks in America. The outlook is bleak. 500 years of Stockholm Syndrome and the push for integration in the '60s instead of a parallel economy as Malcolm X suggested has/will leave black America a permanent underclass as a collective. The smart few will prosper but not enough of us for the collective to be better. Also, as a collective black americans are either lying to themselves, ignorant or in denial that as a collective white americans or too many of them, not all, but too many, will never, ever accept blacks as a collective as part of society. 150 years ago, the Irish, Italians, Jews, and non WASPs were in a similar situation and eventually got 'white status'. A Iowa family will accept their daughter marrying the aforementioned. One or two won't like a Jew or Italian but generally its not a great issue. NEVER, EVER will a black generally. One or two very progressive but NEVER. Latinos will be more accepted. Asians will be more accepted but Blacks? NEVER. Black americans don't get that. No 'aha' moment as a collective. So, in America. No progress.

The future of blacks on earth is Africa. Africa has the fastest, youngest population in the world. Presently over 900 million but its growing fast. Faster than India, China, everywhere. Africa, especially sub-Saharan Africa will reshape the world in some form or fashion. 'The biggest change of our time' is happening right now in Africa and Quarter of Earth seen living on just one continent Young Africans have spent their adult life, those under 35 in countries where the leaders look like them. They are not as accepting of the white father figure, generally. They are slowly but surely making great advances and its not in the media for a reason. There are over 20 billionaires. Nigeria alone has over 23,000 millionaires. Take the richest black man in America. A hedge fund trader no one knows about. Robert Smith, about 2.5 billion Meet The African-American Billionaire Businessman Who's Richer Than Michael Jordan . Did it in about 15 years.Aliko Dangote from Nigeria is worth anywhere from 5-10 times what he is worth. He literally controls almost all the cement in Africa and there is a boom. He makes it in Africa. No more getting it from outside. We are all going by the media's version of Africa. Yes, its underdeveloped in parts but its booming, with the help of China and with the young folks there. What will happen next is the ones that left, the brain drain. The ones who left for Europe and America will come back or start re-investing back 'home' instead of just sending money home to family.

The Caribbean blacks will be somewhere in the middle. The IMF and World Bank has them as economic slaves. Also a lack of energy resources so they have to import all their oil and gas. They are asking for reparations. It won't happen probably but if they can get their debt down and the Chinese (you will see them again and again) are there and may be able to help in that.

Black latinos are lost. Almost all completely. 700 years of Spanish rule has left them pretty much completely lost in terms of identity. They have been told black is ugly, bad for so long they have bought it completely as a collective. Only a few don't. Far worse than America. IF Africa takes off, many will jump back on the band wagon.

Whties are scared shytless. Why? They are dying off. and I mean really scared they can't produce numbers so they are just going to kill us off because they are scared shytless we will do to them what they did to us. The powers that be have been seeing the changing demographics for 50 years. You will scoff or laugh but HIV and Ebola were specifically made for blacks. EVERY country with a majority European ancestry population has a negative birthrate. EVERY one of them. USA's whites were over 80 percent of America 40 years ago now they are 64 percent and for the first time, the majority of children 0-5 are not white and in 10 years of so most Americans under 20 will be non white. America is fudging their white numbers too. Ask any latino or middle eastern (Iranian, Lebonese, etc.) immigrant what the US government puts on their papers as ethnicity/race? its white , All of Europe, Australia. Russia was mentioned in a previous post. Russia is DONE. They are dying off faster than the rest of whites. They are about 143 million now and will be 100 million by the time most of us retire. The ONLY reason America's population has grown is because the government has allowed (by design) massive legal and illegal immigration of primarily latino and next Asian. The black population is checked. Its been 13%-14% for 200 years. Hasn't budged. Strange. Anyone that knows stats will tell you that its not normal over the course of over 200 years, especially given a country like America that is built on immigration, changing demographics. Its by design folks and don't think the so called black leadership doesn't know this. They are just too scared to tell you.

Africa is the key. It can go either way. The ONLY way for black America to be successful is group economics. Do what the Jews did. What the Koreans and Arabs are doing. Buy from each other but sell to anyone. The best thing to help this are the growing numbers of expat Africans. They come with that mentality. We can laugh at the stereotypical African in America but they have their shyt together. And they are smart. And are outpacing black americans. Why Do Black Immigrants Do Better Than Native Blacks? the reason is they don't have the mental traps black americans have.

We, as a collective focus on sports and entertainment for the masses. The more educated work for white companies and a very, very few see the future. Apps, robotics, programming, tech, biotech, etc. as it stands, black americans won't succeed as a group. The possibility is that the vast, ever growing wealth that is created in Africa now in South Africa, Nigeria, Senegal, etc. will see the opportunities in America and build the infrastructure (media, etc. ) that blacks in America are too scared to do. Young black America are doing some things. Mentally starting to adopt Malcolm X and despising the Civil Rights generation for selling the race out.
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All Star
May 6, 2012
In the Clouds
I think the future lies in Africa but the richer nations hesitant response to the issue of climate change will cost the continent in terms of any potential for growth.


Dec 2, 2015
I think blacks will continue to decline as a percentage of the US population and become more and more marginalized in society if things keep going the way they are, ie putting all their hope in the political process instead of returning to our roots of building our own separate infrastructures for education, entertainment, news, and economics.

I think the biggest hurt to the lowest of the low of blacks in the US is an outright ignorance of the US political structure and of economics. You have so many people that don't know anything economically other than they hate capitalism. Yet it was black industrialism and embracing of capitalism from slavery through Jim Crow that allowed us to remain powerful in this country and a problem for those in power.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Great replies. I concur with a lot.
Blacks in America. The outlook is bleak. 500 years of Stockholm Syndrome and the push for integration in the '60s instead of a parallel economy as Malcolm X suggested has/will leave black America a permanent underclass as a collective. The smart few will prosper but not enough of us for the collective to be better. Also, as a collective black americans are either lying to themselves, ignorant or in denial that as a collective white americans or too many of them, not all, but too many, will never, ever accept blacks as a collective as part of society. 150 years ago, the Irish, Italians, Jews, and non WASPs were in a similar situation and eventually got 'white status'. A Iowa family will accept their daughter marrying the aforementioned. One or two won't like a Jew or Italian but generally its not a great issue. NEVER, EVER will a black generally. One or two very progressive but NEVER. Latinos will be more accepted. Asians will be more accepted but Blacks? NEVER. Black americans don't get that. No 'aha' moment as a collective. So, in America. No progress.

The future of blacks on earth is Africa. Africa has the fastest, youngest population in the world. Presently over 900 million but its growing fast. Faster than India, China, everywhere. Africa, especially sub-Saharan Africa will reshape the world in some form or fashion. 'The biggest change of our time' is happening right now in Africa and Quarter of Earth seen living on just one continent Young Africans have spent their adult life, those under 35 in countries where the leaders look like them. They are not as accepting of the white father figure, generally. They are slowly but surely making great advances and its not in the media for a reason. There are over 20 billionaires. Nigeria alone has over 23,000 millionaires. Take the richest black man in America. A hedge fund trader no one knows about. Robert Smith, about 2.5 billion Meet The African-American Billionaire Businessman Who's Richer Than Michael Jordan . Did it in about 15 years.Aliko Dangote from Nigeria is worth anywhere from 5-10 times what he is worth. He literally controls almost all the cement in Africa and there is a boom. He makes it in Africa. No more getting it from outside. We are all going by the media's version of Africa. Yes, its underdeveloped in parts but its booming, with the help of China and with the young folks there. What will happen next is the ones that left, the brain drain. The ones who left for Europe and America will come back or start re-investing back 'home' instead of just sending money home to family.

The Caribbean blacks will be somewhere in the middle. The IMF and World Bank has them as economic slaves. Also a lack of energy resources so they have to import all their oil and gas. They are asking for reparations. It won't happen probably but if they can get their debt down and the Chinese (you will see them again and again) are there and may be able to help in that.

Black latinos are lost. Almost all completely. 700 years of Spanish rule has left them pretty much completely lost in terms of identity. They have been told black is ugly, bad for so long they have bought it completely as a collective. Only a few don't. Far worse than America. IF Africa takes off, many will jump back on the band wagon.

Whties are scared shytless. Why? They are dying off. and I mean really scared they can't produce numbers so they are just going to kill us off because they are scared shytless we will do to them what they did to us. The powers that be have been seeing the changing demographics for 50 years. You will scoff or laugh but HIV and Ebola were specifically made for blacks. EVERY country with a majority European ancestry population has a negative birthrate. EVERY one of them. USA's whites were over 80 percent of America 40 years ago now they are 64 percent and for the first time, the majority of children 0-5 are not white and in 10 years of so most Americans under 20 will be non white. America is fudging their white numbers too. Ask any latino or middle eastern (Iranian, Lebonese, etc.) immigrant what the US government puts on their papers as ethnicity/race? its white , All of Europe, Australia. Russia was mentioned in a previous post. Russia is DONE. They are dying off faster than the rest of whites. They are about 143 million now and will be 100 million by the time most of us retire. The ONLY reason America's population has grown is because the government has allowed (by design) massive legal and illegal immigration of primarily latino and next Asian. The black population is checked. Its been 13%-14% for 200 years. Hasn't budged. Strange. Anyone that knows stats will tell you that its not normal over the course of over 200 years, especially given a country like America that is built on immigration, changing demographics. Its by design folks and don't think the so called black leadership doesn't know this. They are just too scared to tell you.

Africa is the key. It can go either way. The ONLY way for black America to be successful is group economics. Do what the Jews did. What the Koreans and Arabs are doing. Buy from each other but sell to anyone. The best thing to help this are the growing numbers of expat Africans. They come with that mentality. We can laugh at the stereotypical African in America but they have their shyt together. And they are smart. And are outpacing black americans. Why Do Black Immigrants Do Better Than Native Blacks? the reason is they don't have the mental traps black americans have.

We, as a collective focus on sports and entertainment for the masses. The more educated work for white companies and a very, very few see the future. Apps, robotics, programming, tech, biotech, etc. as it stands, black americans won't succeed as a group. The possibility is that the vast, ever growing wealth that is created in Africa now in South Africa, Nigeria, Senegal, etc. will see the opportunities in America and build the infrastructure (media, etc. ) that blacks in America are too scared to do. Young black America are doing some things. Mentally starting to adopt Malcolm X and despising the Civil Rights generation for selling the race out.

I been said this that the white population and it's resources is dwindling. By 2100 AD, they will make up 1% of the world's population. I been known that most of Europe is done since cost of living is so high and most people under 45 rather skip parenthood and party their lives away.