The Francis Scott Key Bridge in Bmore just got hit by a ship & collapsed


Secretary of Defense of #catset
Apr 7, 2017

This is bad for my anxiety,I-4 is always backed up on the bridge


Nov 1, 2015

There’s a certain kind of white attempt at Black American English that has been so consistent in its basic errors for like 30 years (“you be da man!”) that maybe it should count as a distinct dialect.

I’m curious about the consistent substitution of “be” for any conjugation of am/is/are/etc. in these off-base attempts.

I basically agree, but even well-meaning white people do this, which makes me think there's something systematic behind it


There’s a certain kind of white attempt at Black American English that has been so consistent in its basic errors for like 30 years (“you be da man!”) that maybe it should count as a distinct dialect.

I think it’s slightly different. I think the modern version has more to do with white people failing to understand the usage of the habitual be. Unlike the “am” thing, AAVE speakers really do use “be” more broadly than in most dialects, but not as a simple present tense.

Yes, that’s what I’m saying. GAE speakers fail to grasp the subtlety of the habitual mode and wrongly think AAVE speakers use “be” as a substitute for the simple present.

Roland Coltrane

Aug 17, 2014

"Maynor Suazo Sandoval, among the six bridge workers presumed to be dead, came to the United States illegally, said his nephew Hector Guardado — though Suazo Sandoval’s employer said he was working in Baltimore legally. Suazo Sandoval, Guardado said, was contributing to the economy in ways many citizens are not willing to."

bro I'm in the carpenter's union in DC and I'm working on a project near Homeland Security. our union, and one of our Black union reps specifically had to SUE a contractor to get brehs on this job.

By law any construction project in the city has to have at least 10% of the workers on the job be a DC residents, i.e. brehs

anyways, and this isn't my first experience like this, I get on the job and the brehs on the job are like
"look my nikka, these Spanish people don't want us on this job, and you can tell by the way they treat us."

I've seen brehs get written up for all manner of stupid shyt, double standards in attendance enforcement-if one of the migos is late it's all smiles and jokes from the foremen, but if it's a breh 3 days later you get approached by one of those same foremen wanting you to sign some disciplinary documentation about being late.

They assign you to work with migos that can barely, barely speak English and then wanna turn around and get you in trouble because according to the foremen "you are not doing what they are telling you to do."

how the fukk we supposed to follow instructions from someone who hasn't even bothered to learn even a cursory understanding of english??? :gucci:

this hispanics will try to sabotage you, get you in trouble, one foreman will say "go do this" and others will say "go do that" and when they inevitably get their signals crossed because THEY don't communicate the blame falls on us, the Black carpenters :francis:

it's NOT that they do the jobs other Americans won't do. It's that they form these damn near cabals in the industry based on a shared Hispanic identity, and when it comes to Black people they do their absolute damnedest to keep Black people off these jobs, sabotage us when we do get on the jobs and give a bunch of their illegal brethren homeboy hookups :francis:

meanwhile, when the white GCs show up all these Mexicans, Hondurans, Venezuelans, etc wanna go off and hide in the corner somewhere and when they get approached by these big bosses wanna feign total and complete ignorance about any and everything to avoid having to have too much engagement. Wonder why :skip:

this is all anecdotal from me, and to be fair there's some cool ones and they're not all bad people or anything, but the shyt they do collectively once they get some clout and some power, especially when it comes to Black workers, is abysmal. Disgusting even.

Don't you brehs ever, ever let these spicy cacs tell you they're the engine of the economy because they do the undesirable jobs :camby:

they literally throw up all kinds of roadblocks before and on the job insofar as the Black workforce

if we're looking at racism through the lens of having power to impact someone else's life and day to day, these Hispanics are practicing the same kind of out and out racism that cacs do. I see it in real life, in real time. Watch how these people act when they have power in terms of employment, the gatekeeping, and the job itself.

again, it's some cool ones on the job, but as a whole? Get these hispanics the entire fukk outta here :camby:
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