The Flipper Zero, miniature hacking device is now back in stock(hack teslas, CC's, etc)

Roland Coltrane

Aug 17, 2014
Imagine the government wasting any of its resources gangstalking members of a forum posting about white women with large asses.

breh it's not a matter of being a "waste" it's a matter of it being a test run to apply it on a larger scale. every government psy op or weaponized anything starts with the implementation and analysis on a small scale to determine effectiveness, is further refined, and is later used when said "weapon"s function is fully realized.

What better target population for plausible deniability(insofar as gangstalking is concerned) than those with past and present mental health diagnoses, past and present addiction and alcohol issues, homelessness issues, and general life instability, and are ultimately members of vulnerable populations?

THEN, those same tactics that have been honed and continued to be refined are deployed against government and high level corporate whistle blowers. Which is why so often when these stories come out these whistle blowers complain of being followed, intimidated, stalked, etc

some of you are missing the forest for the trees

Roland Coltrane

Aug 17, 2014
breh i fukk wit u for real

from one breh to another; nobody is gangstalking you.

the idea is based on a reality that idealizes your fantasy of importance.

yes the alphabet boys have tagged both of us but they do not have personal agents monitoring you and I specifically unless we have made a list somewhere

in that case you are monitored, not gang stalked. the idea is mathematically impossible unless high level quantum computing is involved

and at that point it would be AI, not people

if you truly think you are being gangstalked then stalk the person(s) back

if done correctly you will find people living normal lives but paranoia will have you believe otherwise.

I would say we are *almost* arguing semantics except for the fact that gamgstalked=monitored while actively being fukked with.

from 2019 to 2021 I spent 2500 on upgrading and securing my electronics and eventually ended up securing the services of a company that worked had large, large contracts for various trucking and logistics companies and did a little personal cyber security stuff on the side.

Long story short, due to what was happening to my phone(s), laptop, etc, I had to learn a lot about computers and tech on my own, pretty much as an autodidact. I'm by no means an expert , but I picked up things well enough that in the summer of '21 he offered me a cyber security internship at his company.

Anyways, one day I wake up and multiple things are happening to multiple devices of mine at the same time. My ipconfig is returning some crazy shyt I've never seen before, the IP address on my laptop on that particular day is showing that I'm at Fort Meade, MD. I do a little research on what goes on at Fort Meade, and it's a literal smorgasbord of government cyber fukkery

"Fort George G. Meade in Maryland is the nation's center for information, intelligence, and cyber operations. It's home to all six branches of the military, including the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, and Space Force. The base also houses the National Security Agency (NSA), U.S. Cyber Command, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Media Activity, and 116 other agencies"

another day my laptop shows my laptop is shown Naval Research Laboratory at Joint Base Anacostia :francis:

this has happened to my phones too no matter what parts of the country I'm in :snoop:

Eventually, CTO/CEO of the Cybersecurity company breh basically has a talk with me and says "look man, with the way I've been working with you over the years, the level of things that I've found has been extremely high-level stuff, the only thing I can tell you is if the NSA or somebody like that wants you there's nothing you can do about it :francis: "

now as far as the actual stalking? I could tell you a gang of examples but this is the one that freaked me the fukk out the most in the past couple years.

Last year I was going to my buddy's BBQ in Columbia Heights in DC, and I had caught the train up there. I had a good time, ate good, kicked it, but didn't drink because I've been sober for some years now.

Anyways I walk back to Columbia Heights station and when I get down to the platform this kinda portly dude wearing all black clothes, not nice ones, maybe second hand or some shyt you'd get from Ross or TJ Maxx, walks up on me and says

"hey what's up big guy? Your name Jerome right?"
I'm taken aback because how does this stranger I've never in my life met or know from Adam know my government name and why are they using it.
"Bro, how do you know my name and where do I know you from?"
"Oh, nevermind. Nevermind." He says.

Now I'm confused. But I've been through so much shyt up to this point I just charge it to the game.
I wasn't shook, or scared. It's just in that moment it was disconcerting

But THIS is what really fukked me up. I turn around and I'm watching this dude go up the escalator to the station exit and as he's leaving I see him turned completely around, looking at me while holding an earpiece in his ear and talking to someone :francis:

Let me reiterate, he was not dressed like a pro men in black, FBI, agent or anything like that, but I believe this kind of work is sub contracted out to low level scum bags, and they're paid in much less money than you'd think, drugs, legal favors, or all three.

Roland Coltrane

Aug 17, 2014
Bruh i didn't call you schizo, the other breh did :dahell:

I even sad faced his post because I was :snoop: at him saying something like that.

As far as everything else that you're saying, I believe the US government would do what you're describing.

I'm saying I don't understand why they would do it to YOU. But there's no way for us to prove this either way so

my bad breh

The Dust King

A Childrens Story
Jul 25, 2012
the tri-state
this is what folks believe part of what DARPA is getting up to
if you understood time then it already happened.

DRPA job is control you. yor job is to control yaself

as far as your story i believe it but its YOU flaggin them IMO

you searched out the knowledge, you got the job, you the dmv resident etc.

not shocked and yes monitoring is apparent

so why are you so important? have you figured it out yet?

Mandarin Duck

Majestic and Highfalutin
Dec 27, 2012
breh it's not a matter of being a "waste" it's a matter of it being a test run to apply it on a larger scale. every government psy op or weaponized anything starts with the implementation and analysis on a small scale to determine effectiveness, is further refined, and is later used when said "weapon"s function is fully realized.

What better target population for plausible deniability(insofar as gangstalking is concerned) than those with past and present mental health diagnoses, past and present addiction and alcohol issues, homelessness issues, and general life instability, and are ultimately members of vulnerable populations?

THEN, those same tactics that have been honed and continued to be refined are deployed against government and high level corporate whistle blowers. Which is why so often when these stories come out these whistle blowers complain of being followed, intimidated, stalked, etc

some of you are missing the forest for the trees
I ain't read none of this shyt my nikka but it's peace.