Yeah justice league vandal savage was dole, even going justice when he was on that panel forgot what it was called.
I thought the episode suffered some from being too busy and having too much going on. Obviously with a lot of characters that is something to contend with, but I felt they could have maybe left out the plot with Harrison 2 getting shot and the super drug.
You know Patti is Joe's partner the way she shoots with the quickness
Malcolm bringing the whole League of Shadows just to drop some info on Vandal Savage
I thought Vandal Savage was cool for the most part, I hope in LOT they get into his intellect more. I vaguely remember from the animated movie was how much smarter he was than everyone by being immortal.
Besides teaching Barry the lightning throw, Jay has been pretty unhelpful . What exactly is he doing in Central City, just hiding out from Zoom and acting bytchmade? Earth 2 Wells might be a dikk, but at least he's trying to come up with solutions.
I knew about the reincarnation with Hawkman/Hawkgirl, but didn't know Savage was 272-0 against them .