I think Heroes will be a surprise hit, the writers will definitely have time to streamline it, plus it has massive potential its up to them to make it happen the first season of the original show was the best one but then everything started fukking up due to the strike...
The Flash Season 2 Trailer 4 Breakdown. Barry Allen Jay Garrick, Zoom vs Professor Zoom Reverse Flash, Wally West, Arrow Season 4 and Legends Of Tomorrow
It's way early, but fukk it, I'm gonna start theorizing. If I end up right on this, I'm straight prophet status.
Anyway, we all know that Zoom is the main villain of Season 2. We don't know who he is though, and the writers have said that his identity will be a mystery for most of the season. So I'm sure we'll spend a lot of time speculating about it, the same way a lot people speculated about Reverse Flash's identity in Season 1 (even though it turned out to be the obvious choice). In the comics, Zoom was Hunter Zolomon, who used to be a friend of Wally West's and who decides (after suffering though a series of tragedies himself) that the Flash needs to suffer thru tragedy to make him a "better hero". Obviously Hunter Zolomon hasn't been introduced on the live-action show, so it's probable that Zoom will be someone completely different since Barry is the show's Flash rather than Wally. My guess on who Zoom will end up being?
Eddie Thawne.
After his body went thru that black hole, something happened that corrupted him and/or made him crazy, and he returns as a "Speed Demon" terrorizing any dimension he goes to. It would kind of fit because, just like the comic book Zoom, this Zoom would still be somebody who used to be a friend of the Flash and still considers himself to be so in his head. I think his rationale will be similar to comics Zoom in that he thinks he's helping the Flash be a better hero by making him suffer.
My backup theory on Zoom -
He could also be an alternate timeline version of Barry. We never found out what happened to the older/future version of Barry after Reverse Flash changed the timeline. Maybe instead of being erased from existence he somehow got turned into Zoom.
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