"The Flash" Season 1 discussion thread


Apr 30, 2012
I don't know why you all keep comparing Flash and Arrow. They're playing for the same team :heh:
I feel u but arrow is that veteran point guard who helped the team Finally win. Flash is that rookie pg who comes in the next season. At first the rookie shows some promise :ehh: but you stick with the tried and true vet :smugfavre:
But as the season goes on the rookie keeps getting better and is starting to demand to start :whoo: while your vet is looking more and more :flabbynsick:
At this point only thing u left with is benching the vet and giving the rook control of the team:mjcry:
Thats pretty much what happned this season with arrow

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
I feel u but arrow is that veteran point guard who helped the team Finally win. Flash is that rookie pg who comes in the next season. At first the rookie shows some promise :ehh: but you stick with the tried and true vet :smugfavre:
But as the season goes on the rookie keeps getting better and is starting to demand to start :whoo: while your vet is looking more and more :flabbynsick:
At this point only thing u left with is benching the vet and giving the rook control of the team:mjcry:
Thats pretty much what happned this season with arrow

Why cant Arrow be that veteren PG and Flash be that new young raw SG?:patrice:


May 1, 2012
I feel u but arrow is that veteran point guard who helped the team Finally win. Flash is that rookie pg who comes in the next season. At first the rookie shows some promise :ehh: but you stick with the tried and true vet :smugfavre:
But as the season goes on the rookie keeps getting better and is starting to demand to start :whoo: while your vet is looking more and more :flabbynsick:
At this point only thing u left with is benching the vet and giving the rook control of the team:mjcry:
Thats pretty much what happned this season with arrow

Basically, Barry came thru like this:


...and put Oli on notice for an early Larry Holmes Garden visit:francis:

Tuesday, that raw uncut PIFF will be back to feed our starving streets:feedme:


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
Meet The Flash's New Villain

The Walking Dead's Emily Kinney on her villainous new role on The Flash and taking on The Atom and Felicity.

13 Apr 2015 By Eric Goldman

The Walking Dead's Emily Kinney will be making her debut in another comic book adaptation this week, as she guest stars on The Flash.

Kinney plays Brie Larvan, a villain inspired by the DC Comics character The Bug-Eyed Bandit. In the episode, both Ray Palmer/The Atom (Brandon Routh) and Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) visit Central City, only to be caught up in some nasty plans Larvan has.

I spoke to Kinney about appearing on The Flash and its larger world of DC Comics on TV.


Emily Kinney as Brie Larvan in The Flash.

IGN: The Walking Dead is a comic book adaptation, but The Flash is a very different type of show. Is it interesting for you to guest on another series that comes from the same medium but is so tonally different?

Kinney: Yeah, like you said it was very different, but I found it to be really fun, just in the kind of character I got to play, and like you said, the tone of the show is different. Beth was very sweet and strong and kindhearted and Brie is so very different -- and we were shooting [The Walking Dead] in Georgia, outside in the heat and its humid and a very specific kind of environment. Now I’m working on this show and being on these awesome sets with all the special effects and cool costumes and cool make up. It was very different but something I was really excited to do. I was excited to be on a different set and tap into a different part of my personality and play the bad guy. I found it very exciting.

IGN: When it comes to playing the bad guy, can you talk about her personality and just how villainous she is?

Kinney: Brie is definitely…. she’s out for revenge. Her career was kind of halted and stalled when she got fired from her job and now she’s taking all of her computer skills and she makes these little mechanical bees and she uses the bees to cause problems for everyone and get revenge. But she’s very smart. She’s very sharp. You’ll see her costume is amazing. She dresses very sharp and sexy. She’s also very isolated. A lot of the things that she’ll do on the show Tuesday is from her little beehive cave. She’s always talking to these mechanical bees and they’re just computer bees. So she’s also a kind of person who is very isolated.


Emily Kinney.

IGN: We’ve heard they’re kind of making her and Felicity rivals. Is there a history there?

Kinney: I don’t know that there’s a history between her and Felicity, but when Brie is sending these bees out, Felicity is the one who is trying to counteract what she’s doing on the computer in this fight that you’ll see. And they’re very well matched because obviously Felicity is very smart, so they end up becoming sort of these rivals.

IGN: You’re playing a version of a character referred to in the comics as the Bug-Eyed Bandit. But beyond the gender change, when you look at the character in the comic, that’s quite a look!

Kinney: I think they decided, or at least I felt like it was for me, looking at the costumes that they ended up making for Brie, that they really wanted to be it’s own thing. They’re using the Bug-Eyed Bandit for inspiration but we’re kind of creating a new character. The thing with the costume, you’ll see, it’s nothing like the comics you’ve seen for The Bug-Eyed Bandit. They kind of took the liberty to make this whole new character.

IGN: This is a very ambitious world they’ve created with The Flash, Arrow, and a new spinoff in the works. Was it exciting for you becoming a part of that, with a lot of potential to pop up again, given that there is now going to be maybe three possibilities with different shows?

Kinney: Yeah. From my time working on this show, I had such a great time and it’s such a great group of people. The Flash is awesome and has so many great actors and they have a fanbase that’s so supportive. One thing that an actor always wants is an audience that will see your work. I think that’s so exciting for all of these shows, that they have this welcoming and excited audience. Of course, you never know what could happen. It’d be cool to work on the shows more.

IGN: The Flash has managed to nail a fun tone without going over the top or too campy. Was it interesting for you to figure out how to play that, coming in as this supervillain?

Kinney: Yeah, I feel like watching the show has definitely helped but even trusting the director was important for me too. There’s a lot of times when I’m talking to bees and they weren’t even real bees. It would just be like talking into my hand. I had to kind of trust the director and other people on set. Also I think it’s important, when you’re a guest on the set, to the regulars and to really see them as leaders and see how they are taking on certain things. That was kind of my approach.


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Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
Promo for the 18th episode of the season that airs tomorrow night:

Loyalties will be tested. Sides will be chosen. The fight for the truth begins Tuesday, April 14!

Producer's preview:

The Atom lands in Central City in 5 days. Preview Tuesday's new episode with The Flash Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg!
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