"The Flash" Season 1 discussion thread

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You

I hope she grows the goatee.:troll:


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
The Flash's Carlos Valdes Talks Big Firestorm Episode

IGN talks to The Flash's Cisco Ramon about the big upcoming Firestorm episode, going toe-to-toe with The Pied Piper, and more.


The mysterious fate of Ronnie Raymond (Robbie Amell) and Dr. Martin Stein (Victor Garber) will finally get a full reveal on Tuesday, February 10th, as DC Comics' Firestorm takes center stage in The Flash episode "The Nuclear Man."

I had the chance to speak to Flash star Carlos Valdes, who plays genius nicknamerCisco Ramon on the series, about "The Nuclear Man," the new investigative team of Cisco and Detective West, going toe-to-toe with The Pied Piper, and more.

IGN: What's Cisco up to in "The Nuclear Man?"

Carlos Valdes: As far as Cisco's storyline is concerned, there's a team up between him and Joe West. They pair up to go on a hunt so they can track down some clues regarding Barry's mother's murder. So it's actually continuing that story a bit while the whole Ronnie Raymond thing is going on. I think this may have been the most fun episode for me to film actually, to be honest. Because I got to play with Jesse (L. Martin) and he's great fun to be around.


Carlos Valdes and Jesse L. Martin in "The Nuclear Man."

IGN: What's it going to be like for Cisco to meet Firestorm? He previously mentioned that Ronnie was like a brother to him.

Valdes: I'm not sure that Cisco is aware of what the new Ronnie is. What he's all about. He knows the science part, but not the personality part. I think he's expecting traces of the old Ronnie - the guy he had a solid working relationship with and who was also like a brother to him. He's expecting the older version of Ronnie. The guy he knows. But he immediately notices that something is off. So for the most part, in future episodes, it'll be sort of a challenge for Cisco to sift through new Ronnie's persona so that he can discover what he's all about. And if, in fact, the old Ronnie is still in there somewhere.

IGN: We recently found out that Cisco can more or less handle himself in a fight. What was it like to film those action scenes with The Pied Piper?

Valdes: It was amazing. Truly awesome. Because I didn't know if I would ever get the chance to do any stunts or action sequences. I'm usually the one watching it happen to everybody else, thinking "When am I going to get my action moment? Am I going to be hold up in the lab the whole time?" So I will say that it was very refreshing to get an action sequence. And having done theater work, I do know a bit about stage combat and how to handle myself physically in that kind of environment. So it wasn't hard for me to step into it and learn the moves and stick with the choreography. And it was even more excited because I got to do it with someone I already knew. I went to college with Andy (Mientus) so it was kind of a crazy situation to be in.


Carlos Valdes in "The Nuclear Man."

IGN: Cisco's been given some really good dramatic moments so far this season. Usually stemming from big mistakes he's made. What's it like to not just have to be the jokey guy all the time and to get to have serious moments?

Valdes: I won't lie. I thought at first, when we started this, that I would be the funny guy and that my function on the show would always be to provide the humor in all the grim situations. And that would kind of be my dynamic within the group. But I was very relieved to see, by the fourth and fifth episode, that the writers were really allowing the characters to develop and breathe. And they were giving Cisco all these different dimensions. That's really great. And it makes me very happy to see that Cisco is not just the funny guy. He's also very sensitive individual. Though he does have a good heart, a child-like heart almost, that element to him also allows him to make mistakes and struggle with accountability. That's a really interesting trait that helps counter-balance his happy-go-lucky comic book fanboy attitude.

IGN: One of the things people noted about The Flash when it started was that it was going all-in with the superpowers element. And now it seems like new, crazy superpowered villains pop up each week. What do you think about how quickly the show's brought in comic book villains? Fans really seem to like the the way things are quickly being dosed out.

Valdes: I have to say, I'm not surprised about the fan love. We're chronicling the mythos of such a well-known character. And that combined with such a solid team - of like (EP Greg) Berlanti and (EP Andrew) Kreisberg and Geoff Johns - those guys did Arrow. And they were still figuring that show out for a while. And now I feel like they're really tapping into all they learned on that show for The Flash. Their ability at crafting these shows is strengthening. The longer I'm on the show, the more confidence I develop about it. And still, I read the scripts that are coming up and I keep thinking "Wow, the fans are gong to go nuts." And that's a very good thing.
