The first summit of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES/ASS) 🇧🇫🇳🇪🇲🇱 is currently taking place in Niamey, Niger

Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022







Northern Son

Oct 30, 2012
This bozo. :mjlol: “Isolated”

Over the next five days, hundreds more would die in the village of Moura in the Mopti region of Mali at the hands of troops overseen by Russian mercenaries, according to a new United Nations report. All but a small fraction were unarmed civilians.

Published last week after an extensive human rights fact-finding mission conducted over several months by UN staff in Mali, the report gives an hour by hour account of events during a five-day military operation in Moura in March 2022, giving details of the worst single atrocity associated with the Kremlin-linked Wagner group outside Ukraine.

Investigators from the UN human rights office concluded that there are strong indications that more than 500 people were killed – the majority in extrajudicial killings – by Malian troops and foreign military personnel believed to be from Wagner, a mercenary outfit run by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a close ally of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, which was linked to the massacre by internal messages obtained by the Guardian last year.

Sexual assaults rise in Central African Republic. Wagner, bandits and even peacekeepers are blamed​

BANGUI, Central African Republic (AP) — It was too late for the mother to shield her children when the two masked and armed Russian fighters burst into her home, held her at gunpoint and took turns raping her. Her five children were forced to watch in the dark.

Seated in a restaurant in Central African Republic’s capital, where she has since fled, she wiped away tears. Two years on, the assault has “stayed with me in my core,” she said. The Associated Press does not identify survivors of sexual assault.

She blamed the Russians who are part of the Wagner mercenary group that operates alongside Central African Republic’s army and has been accused by locals and rights groups of abuses. She had seen them patrolling in her town of Bambari before. On the day of the assault, they were fighting rebels there

Chinese Mining ‘Wrecking Lives’ In DRC​

You literally proved my fukking point :laff::laff::laff:!!!!!! Are you really this stupid?!?! The confused retard c00n strikes again :snoop:.

Like clockwork, you circled back to Prigozhin who was a mercenary leader who turned on the Russian Federation. He was a rogue mercenary and a nutcase who tried to overthrow his government. You have repeatedly failed to provide evidence of the Russian Federation colonizing Africa. They do not have that history unlike France, who control 14 African countries' currency (the CFA France, which France can print at will and which France does not use as a Euro exchanging EU member), force those countries to deposit 50% of their foreign exchange reserves with the French Treasury, carried out 122 military interventions in African countries between 1960 and the mid-1990s and have assassinated multiple African presidents including the former president of Burkina Faso.

French, American, Swiss, Belgian and Canadian companies are all over Congo stealing cobalt and forcing children into slavery but you focus on China (who this thread is not at all about :what: !) to somehow prove Russia's relationship with Africa is horrible :deadrose: :laff:. You're hanging on for dear life to the activity of the dead mercenary and his thugs and trying like hell to link them to the formal interrelations of the Russia government and the AES. Serious question, were you lobotomized?

^They make it clear, they won't sell out to anything and fortunately their actions have matched their words so far.

You got butthurt that I made you look like an absolute fool for labelling Vietnamese software testers "Chinese bot farmers" like the dumb ass you are, so you entered a thread about a topic you literally know nothing about to get "back" :mjlol:.

Northern Son

Oct 30, 2012

"Oh my God, it's Xi Jinping himself creating the AI bot apocalypse, I'm scared!!!":damn::damn: :sadbron::sadbron:

:pachaha: :dead:

The amount of propaganda that gets shared on this website every day is truly baffling

Non-state armed groups control nearly 40% of the territory of Burkina Faso, posing significant challenges for humanitarian operations. Several non-state armed groups are active in the country, including Ansarul Islam, the Group for the Support of Islam and Muslims, and the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara.

@ReasonableMatic THEM DEVILS!

Yeah, dumb ass I'm well aware that the Sahel is overrun with terrorists. What the fukk is the point you're trying to make? Captain Traore and his troops have been killing them off at an accelerated rate (which is glorious ) since kicking out foreign Western militaries, and the entire reason AFRICOM and the French military tried to justify their presence in the Sahel was these terrorists (that they secretly sponsored). The French and Americans were "providing help" to Burkina Faso's troops but refused to sell them weapons and provide them adequate training to finish the terrorists off. The Russians actually sold them the weapons they needed to effectively stop the Islamic/Fulani terrorists in the region.

Keeping countries war torn and destabilized is one of the most effective methods of keeping countries resource exploitable. They had an excuse to be in the Sahel and sure enough they stole lots of oil and gold. The Americans are doing it to Syria right now and Trump even outright admitted they stole their oil.

Fun fact: The American military industrial complex's destruction of Libya in 2011 led to the explosion of these violent Islamic insurgencies in the Sahel. Another gift from your heroes in NATO:

The amount of propaganda that gets shared on this website every day is truly baffling

You consider Vietnamese guys testing out fukking phone apps to be "foreign propaganda", shut your ass up you dumb kid :mjlol:. You are one of the most propagandized users on this entire site.

Northern Son

Oct 30, 2012
Your parents fled all the way to the Wsst and they still didn’t provide you with a decent western education?

  • GDP
    In 2022, France had a GDP of $2.78 trillion, making it the world's seventh largest economy. In 2024, Russia's GDP ranked it 11th in the world, between Canada and Mexico.
  • GDP per capita
    In 2022, France's GDP per capita was $42,244, compared to the global average of $10,589. In 2024, Russia's average wealth per capita was around $14,400, which is lower than other European countries.
  • Exports
    In 2022, France had total exports of $608 billion, ranking it 8th in the world, while Russia's exports were $486 billion, ranking it 12th.
  • Economic Complexity Index
    In 2022, France's Economic Complexity Index (ECI) was 1.3, while Russia's was 0.43

What are the top 10 French exports?​

French Trade – just how big is the French export market?​

According to data from World’s Top Exports, French exports totalled US$598.4 billion for the first 11 months of 2022. Exports to Germany, Italy, Belgium, Spain and the US accounted for the biggest values, totalling 44.9% of total exports.

Some global leading companies help to account for such high export figures, with French companies well represented in the Forbes Global 2000 rankings. These companies include EDF, Renault, Total and Saint-Gobain.

So what are the top 10 French exports?​

The following are the top 10 exports from France during 2021. This top 10 accounts for 58.9% of the total US$ value for all exports from France.

1. Machinery, including computers – US$62.6 billion (11% of total exports)

2. Vehicles – US$50.8 billion (8.9% of total exports)

3. Electrical machinery – US$45 billion (7.9% of total exports)

4. Pharmaceuticals – US$39.1 billion (6.9% of total exports)

5. Aircraft / Spacecraft – US$30.9 billion (5.4% of total exports)

6. Plastics – US$25.5 billion (4.5% of total exports)

7. Beverages, Spirits & Vinegar – US$22.3 billion (3.9% of total exports)

8. Perfumes & Cosmetics – US$22 billion (3.9% of total exports)

9. Mineral Fuels – US$18.6 billion (3.3% of total exports)

10. Iron & Steel – US$18 billion (3.2% of total exports)

Meanwhile in mother Russia :mjlol:

Indoor Plumbing Still a Pipe Dream for 20% of Russian Households, Reports

More than one-fifth of Russian households do not have access to indoor plumbing, according to official statistics obtained by the RBC news website on Tuesday.

Russia leads the developed world with the worst sanitation record, according to the London-based WaterAid NGO. A 2012 estimate citing official data placed the number of Russians whose households are only equipped with outhouses at 35 million, or roughly a quarter of the population.

Legendary stupidity. This is the kind of shyt that just leaves you speechless :snoop: :snoop: :snoop:. The biggest Dunning-Kruger case on the Coli by far.

Do you know where France conveniently gets its mineral resources REQUIRED for its machinery, vehicles, aircrafts and computers????

Are you so fukking dumb that you can't connect the dots and comprehend that Africa is "providing" these natural resources necessary to have a manufacturing economy at far below market value through French multinational companies?

Do you think all those precious minerals are extracted from French soil :mjlol:? Do they magically manifest the cobalt needed to create electronic products with an incantation? Do you think France can have a manufacturing economy without Africa? Is that pile of shyt you call a brain starting to understand that resource poor countries need to dominate and control resource rich countries (the AES) in order to have their huge economies? Did you even graduate high school, you stupid little boy?

Your list proves my point :what:, but you're so dumb you honestly think the French use their own cobalt, uranium and oil. You're a pathetic excuse for a man regardless, but I seriously feel sorry for you if you're over the age of 25. SMH.

The amount of lies and foolishness you believe is like nothing I've seen before. Legendary stupidity.

2/3 of the uranium France uses for their electricity come from Niger. France has 2,436.8 tonnes of gold in their national gold reserve, despite not being a gold rich country. The fourth largest national gold reserves in the world. The amount of resource theft and wealth transfer from Africa to France is astonishing, WELL DOCUMENTED and despicable. The leaders the AES deposed were accepting enormous personal bribes to keep their countries poor and destabilized so French multinational companies could extract and manufacture valuable resources for peanuts. You are so dumb and so ignorant that you can unironically call yourself "Toussaint" and literally watch Africans free themselves in real time with disgust. You can't make this stuff up.

Northern Son

Oct 30, 2012
@Mister Terrific It's so obvious you don't know anything about France's exploitative relationship with Africa. You literally don't belong in this thread. Imagine not knowing any Burkinabe, Nigerian or Malian history but choosing to comment anyway. The French conspired with Blaise Compaoré to kill Thomas Sankara, Burkina Faso's revolutianary leader who is probably Africa's greatest president.

Sankara declared the objectives of the “democratic and popular revolution” to be primarily concerned with the tasks of eradicating corruption, fighting environmental degradation, empowering women, and increasing access to education and health care, with the larger goal of liquidating imperial domination. During the course of his presidency, Sankara successfully implemented programs that vastly reduced infant mortality, increased literacy rates and school attendance, and boosted the number of women holding governmental posts. On the environmental front, in the first year of his presidency alone 10 million trees were planted in an effort to combat desertification. On the first anniversary of the coup that had brought him to power, he changed the country’s name from Upper Volta to Burkina Faso, which means roughly “land of upright people” in Mossi and Dyula, the country’s two most widely spoken indigenous languages.

Compaoré made himself president, reapplied for the poisonous IMF loan and welcomed back multinational corporations and French foreign aid (never ending dependence) back to Burkina Faso, eradicating all the good progress made. Predictably their economy became total shyt again, but you think they should welcome the French back?! Africans can't be free, @Toussaint?

Traore and the AES are resurrecting Sankara's vision of self-sufficiency.

Niger is estimated to experience a substantial increase in its real GDP, projected at 10.4% compared to the previous year:

^Tell me, Einstein, which one of these endevours is against the interests of the citizens of the AES?

France needs Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali's resources - the AES does not need France. Keeping Africa poor, destabilized and corrupt is an absolute priority for the French because they have no resources to access (the basis of their economy) if these countries are well-run, developed and prioritize their people over bribes.

Until you educate yourself on debt slavery, the World Bank and the IMF, France's use of the CFA Franc, shut the fukk up and don't comment on topics you know absolutely nothing about. Opining on topics you are not at all familiar with instead of doing basic research is indicative of stupidity and arrogance. Burkinabes would split your prissy American skull in half if they heard the retarded, ignorant nonsense you wrote in this thread. I can't begin to take you seriously.

You are perpetually confused because you are driven by confirmation bias and refuse to get a holistic understanding of the world. Your never ending Western government cocksucking is preventing you from understanding geopolitics and how Africa and South America are endlessly and violently exploited by parasitic globalist institutions from the West.

There's no excuse for ignorance. You have Google and can read any peer reviewed journal article and study about France's exploitation of Africa. Your stupid ass was terrified of Vietnamese product testers :mjlol: (care to explain that racist assumption?) because you don't verify or validate anything you read and you let your child-like emotions guide your worldview. The world is NOT linear.

Read up on France's relationship with Africa:

^Read the primary sources.

Find any article here about the IMF and Africa and get back to me: JSTOR Home

Academics such as Jeffrey Sachs about this at length as have journalists Andre Vltcheck and Julian Assange (literally imprisoned for telling the truth).

And by the way, you moron, Russia's economy is far outpacing France's, even according to corporate funded sources. I don't care what the Russians do with their country, but they are obviously on an economic ascent while Western Europe shot itself in the foot sanctioning them. You further proved your lack of understanding of the world with that nonsense comparison.

In my 12 years on this site, you stand out as the stupidest person I have interacted with here and I mean that in all sincerity. You have the audacity to call yourself Toussaint but you warmly support the same institutions he bravely fought against and the same institutions that are subjugating Haiti to this day. Unbelievable.

Northern Son

Oct 30, 2012
Your parents fled all the way to the Wsst and they still didn’t provide you with a decent western education?

One of the funniest things about this insipid, xenophobic, stupid quip is that I actually learned the basis of globalism, austerity and multinational corporations from my university classes over a decade ago.

^This was one of my textbooks. A very solid introduction. Shout out to my "Western" professor :blessed:

@Mister Terrific Maybe your goofy dumb ass would actually learn how economies like France's work if you gave it a read. Clearly only one of us got a "decent Western education."


Mar 24, 2014
One of the funniest things about this insipid, xenophobic, stupid quip is that I actually learned the basis of globalism, austerity and multinational corporations from my university classes over a decade ago.

^This was one of my textbooks. A very solid introduction. Shout out to my "Western" professor :blessed:

@Mister Terrific Maybe your goofy dumb ass would actually learn how economies like France's work if you gave it a read. Clearly only one of us got a "decent Western education."

They just pass remarks meant to incident and provoke from the safety net provided to them by nato.

Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022

You literally proved my fukking point :laff::laff::laff:!!!!!! Are you really this stupid?!?! The confused retard c00n strikes again :snoop:.

The fact a western raised African buck dancing for Chinese and Russian zaddy because they dangle keys in front of you calling anyone a c00n is hilarious. :mjlol:

I don’t trust no crackers or Asians when it comes to the interests of Black folks.

Like clockwork, you circled back to Prigozhin who was a mercenary leader who turned on the Russian Federation. He was a rogue mercenary and a nutcase who tried to overthrow his government.
Nobody believes Prigozhin was rogue or that Wagners actions in Africa weren’t and aren’t entirely managed by Putin. The fact you are pushing these demonstrates your parents failures.

What the Russians have provided is a strike force, with helicopters with advanced capabilities and a lot of firepower," says Dr Watling. "They are using pretty traditional Soviet anti-partisan methods. You see fighters who were executed, as well as civilians targeted for enabling or being associated with fighters."

There have been multiple claims that Wagner forces carried out human rights abuses on the African continent, as well as in Ukraine and Syria, where Prigozhin's organisation previously held a commanding presence.

One of the most well-documented incidents took place in the central Malian town of Moura where, according to a UN report, at least 500 people are believed to have been summarily executed by Malian troops and "armed white men", who eyewitnesses described as speaking an "unknown language".

While independent verification has not been possible, Human Rights Watch identified the unknown white attackers as Russian mercenaries.
Russian military specialists at the airport in the capital of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou

Image caption, A hundred Russian military specialists arrived in Burkina Faso, along with equipment and weapons last month, with more expected soon
In exchange for considerable, if brutal, security assistance, Wagner required something in return.

Mali, like many African nations, is rich in natural resources - from timber and gold to uranium and lithium. Some are simply valuable, while others have strategic importance as well.

According to Dr Watling, Wagner was operating in a well-established tradition: "There is a standard Russian modus operandi, which is that you cover the operational costs with parallel business activity. In Africa, that is primarily through mining concessions."

In every country in which it operates, Wagner was reported to have secured valuable natural resources using these to not only cover costs, but also extract significant revenue. Russia has extracted $2.5bn (£2bn) worth of gold from Africa in the past two years, which is likely to have helped fund its war in Ukraine, according to the Blood Gold Report.

This month, Russian fighters - formerly Wagner mercenaries - took control of Mali's Intahaka gold mine, close to the border with Burkina Faso. The artisanal mine, the largest in northern Mali, had been disputed for many years by various armed groups active in the region.

But there is something else, with potential geopolitical significance.
"We are now observing the Russians attempting to strategically displace Western control of access to critical minerals and resources," says Dr Watling.
In Mali, the mining code was recently re-written to give the junta greater control over natural resources. That process has already seen an Australian lithium mine suspend trading on its shares, citing uncertainty over the implementation of the code.
While lithium and gold mines are clearly important, according to Dr Watling there is possibly an even greater strategic headache around the corner: "In Niger the Russians are endeavouring to gain a similar set of concessions that would strip French access to the uranium mines in the country."
Gold miners empty containers of earth removed from a mining shaft in Koflatie, Mali, on October 28, 2014, a mine located a few miles from the border with its southwestern neighbour Guinea.

Image caption, Many Malians earn their living by mining gold
The report details internal Russian memos focussed on trying to achieve in Niger what was done in Mali. If Russia managed to gain control of West Africa's uranium mines, Europe could be left exposed once again to what has often been called Russian "energy blackmail".
France is more dependent on nuclear power than any other country in the world, with 56 reactors producing almost two-thirds of the country's energy. About a fifth of its uranium is imported from Niger. There have previously been complaints about the terms of trade, with suggestions that the former colonial power exploits nations like Niger.

"The narrative that Russia is pushing is that Western states remain fundamentally colonial in their attitude," says Dr Watling. "It's very ironic because the Russian approach, which is to isolate these regimes, capture their elites and to extract their natural resources, is quite colonial."
In reality, the "Expeditionary Corps'' appears more as "Wagner 2.0", than a radical departure for Russian foreign policy.

Prigozhin had built deep political, economic and military ties on the African continent - dismantling this complex web would have been difficult and ultimately counter-productive.

The "Expeditionary Corps" is operating in the same countries, with the same equipment and - it seems - with the same ultimate goal.

You have repeatedly failed to provide evidence of the Russian Federation colonizing Africa.

Now? Installing juntas, raping and or killing disdidents, seizing resources to pay for war, all very colonial.

Historically Russia focused on subjugating/destroying its immediate Eurasian and Central Asian neighbors. There is a reason blonde haired blue eyed white people are walking around Kazakhstan and western Mongolia.

However, Russia did attempt to colonize africa

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Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022
but you focus on China (who this thread is not at all about :what: !) to somehow prove Russia's relationship with Africa is horrible :deadrose: :laff:. You're hanging on for dear life to the
I know you are gearing up to suck Chinese dikk so I thought I’d jump out ahead.

But yes massacring and raping hundreds of civilians and stealing billions of dollars in mineral wealth is bad for Africa.

In the darkness of early morning on January 26, a team of Malian soldiers and Russian mercenaries rushed into the village of Welingara in the central Nara region. They arrested 25 men and boys, took them 2 kilometers outside the village and immediately executed them.

“The bodies were found, piled on top of each other, some blindfolded, riddled with bullets or slit throats,” according to local sources interviewed by Radio France Internationale. “Many were burned.”

Volker Türk, head of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), said he was “appalled” by the “credible allegations.” He also urged Malian authorities to ensure that their troops, “as well as their agents or allies,” adhere to international humanitarian law, in particular the protection of civilians.

“It is essential that all allegations of arbitrary deprivations of life, including summary executions, are fully and impartially investigated and those found responsible brought to justice in trials observing international standards,” he said in a February 1 statement.

Unidentified gunmen also killed about 30 civilians in the villages of Ogota and Oimbe in the Bandiagara region in late January, Türk said.

Wagner going rogue again?

Yeah, dumb ass I'm well aware that the Sahel is overrun with terrorists. What the fukk is the point you're trying to make? Captain Traore and his troops have been killing them off at an accelerated rate (which is glorious ) since kicking out foreign Western militaries

Burkinabes would split your prissy American skull in half

I doubt that since I’m not a child or an unarmed villager

Nairobi) – The Burkina Faso military summarily executed at least 223 civilians, including at least 56 children, in two villages on February 25, 2024, Human Rights Watch said today.

I also have handled weapons before and I shoot straight. You ever handled a fire arm before Twitter revolutionary? Want me to show you how? :mjlit:

Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022
And by the way, you moron, Russia's economy is far outpacing France's, even according to corporate funded sources. I don't care what the Russians do with their country, but they are obviously on an economic ascent while Western Europe shot itself in the foot sanctioning them. You further proved your lack of understanding of the world with that nonsense comparison.

In my 12 years on this site, you stand out as the stupidest person I have interacted with here and I mean that in all sincerity. You have the audacity to call yourself Toussaint but you warmly support the same institutions he bravely fought against and the same institutions that are subjugating Haiti to this day. Unbelievable.

Thanks for demonstrating you have know idea how economies work.

Russias economy is growing because they are dumping vast quantities of money attempting to fund the war in Ukraine. Same with why Germanys economy grew during World War 2.

Russian Economy Braces for 'Shock Therapy' Amid Spiraling Inflation​

Expected 2024 growth of 2.9 percent has been boosted mostly by government spending on the military, but it comes amid a labor shortage that has spiked wagesand fueled annual inflation, which, at 8.6 percent, is over twice the 4 percent Central Bank has targeted. Newsweek has contacted the Russian Central Bank for comment.

Russia's economy is completely dominated by its war in Ukraine, so much that Moscow cannot afford either to win or lose the war, according to one European economist.

Renaud Foucart, a senior economics lecturer at Lancaster University, pointed to the dire economic situation facing Russia as the war in Ukraine wraps up its second year.

Russia's GDP grew 5.5% year-over-year over the third quarter of 2023, according to data from the Russian government. But most of that growth is being fueled by the nation's monster military spending, Foucart said, with plans for the Kremlin to spend a record 36.6 trillion rubles, or $386 billion on defense this year.

"Military pay, ammunition, tanks, planes, and compensation for dead and wounded soldiers, all contribute to the GDP figures. Put simply, the war against Ukraine is now the main driver of Russia's economic growth" Foucart said in an op-ed for The Conversation this week.

As long as it remains isolated, Russia's "best hope" is to become "entirely dependent" on China, one of its few remaining strategic allies, Foucart said.

Meanwhile, the costs of rebuilding its own nation are already "massive," he added, pointing to problems like broken infrastructure and social unrest in Russia.

"A protracted stalemate might be the only solution for Russia to avoid total economic collapse," Foucart wrote. "The Russian regime has no incentive to end the war and deal with that kind of economic reality. So it cannot afford to win the war, nor can it afford to lose it. Its economy is now entirely geared towards continuing a long and ever deadlier conflict."

Other economists have warned of trouble coming for Russia amid the toll of its war in Ukraine. Russia's economy will see significantly more degradation ahead, one London-based think tank recently warned, despite talk of Russia's resilience in the face of Western sanctions.

Economic ascent :mjlol: this goofball

Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022
Are you so fukking dumb that you can't connect the dots and comprehend that Africa is "providing" these natural resources necessary to have a manufacturing economy at far below market value through French multinational companies?

Do you think all those precious minerals are extracted from French soil :mjlol:? Do they magically manifest the cobalt needed to create electronic products with an incantation? Do you think France can have a manufacturing economy without Africa? Is that pile of shyt you call a brain starting to understand that resource poor countries need to dominate and control resource rich countries (the AES) in order to have their huge economies? Did you even graduate high school, you stupid little boy?

Your list proves my point :what:, but you're so dumb you honestly think the French use their own cobalt, uranium and oil. You're a pathetic excuse for a man regardless, but I seriously feel sorry for you if you're over the age of 25. SMH.

The amount of lies and foolishness you believe is like nothing I've seen before. Legendary stupidity.

2/3 of the uranium France uses for their electricity come from Niger. France has 2,436.8 tonnes of gold in their national gold reserve, despite not being a gold rich country. The fourth largest national gold reserves in the world. The amount of resource theft and wealth transfer from Africa to France is astonishing, WELL DOCUMENTED and despicable. The leaders the AES deposed were accepting enormous personal bribes to keep their countries poor and destabilized so French multinational companies could extract and manufacture valuable resources for peanuts. You are so dumb and so ignorant that you can unironically call yourself "Toussaint" and literally watch Africans free themselves in real time with disgust. You can't make this stuff up.

How dependent is France on Niger's uranium?​

The military coup in Niger has raised concerns about uranium mining in the country by the French group Orano, and the consequences for France's energy independence.

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How dependent is France on Niger's uranium?

One week after the military coup in Niger led by General Abdourahamane Tiani, France completed the evacuation of 600 French nationals on Wednesday, August 2. This uncertain political context is also beginning to raise economic concerns.

In France, fears are particularly focused on the exploitation of uranium from Niger, and the possible consequences of this energy independence. A natural resource essential to the operation of French nuclear power plants, uranium mined in Niger has been exploited for over four decades by the French nuclear fuel cycle group Orano (formerly Areva).

Three mines operating in Niger

The multinational, which is 90% owned by the French state, operates three mines in Niger, only one of which is currently in production:

  • The Aïr mines, whose operating company Somair is 63.4% owned by Orano, are based near the town of Arlit, in the desert to the north of Niger. Although the mine is nearing depletion, its operation has been extended until 2040.
  • The Akokan mining site, around ten kilometers from Arlit, has been closed since the end of March 2021. With reserves exhausted after four decades of mining, Compagnie minière d'Akouta, 59%-owned by Orano, is now working on a project to redevelop its sites.
  • Finally, Orano holds a 63.52% stake in the Imouraren mine, located 80 kilometers south of Arlit, which is considered to be one of the world's largest uranium deposits. However, after an operating permit was issued in 2009, production at the site was suspended due to a lack of favorable market conditions.

For the time being, Orano has announced that it will continue its mining activities, despite the putsch in Niger. "To date, activities at the operational sites in Arlit and at the headquarters in Niamey are continuing with an adapted organization in the context of the curfew in place throughout Niger," the group announced on its website on Thursday, August 3.

Niger, one of France's top three uranium suppliers

To operate the fifty-six nuclear reactors in France's eighteen power plants, operator EDF requires an average of around 8,000 tons of natural uranium every year. Following the cessation of mining on French soil in the early 2000s, France turned to several countries simultaneously for its supplies. The diversification of suppliers is a source of security for EDF.

Over the last ten years, the 88,200 tonnes of natural uranium imported into France came mainly from three countries: Kazakhstan (27%), Niger (20%), and Uzbekistan (19%). Niger plays an important role in France's supplies, but its importance is overestimated by some politicians.

On a global scale, however, "Niger has become a secondary producer over the years, as production costs are high and prices slumped until 2016 after [the nuclear accident at] Fukushima," explained Teva Meyer, a lecturer at the University of Haute-Alsace and researcher at the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs, to French newspaper Les Echos. By 2022, Niger accounted for just 4% of global production, well behind Kazakhstan (43%), Canada (15%), Namibia (11%), and Australia (8%).

Kazakhstan, the world's largest uranium producer

With close to half of the world's uranium production (43%) coming from Kazakhstan in 2022, Niger accounted for just 4% of global production.

I think we are all well aware of France’s exploitative relationship with Africa. However you are going to bring down a multi-trillion dollar economy that easily lol

Also have any of the juntas shut down French mining operations?
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