The first summit of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES/ASS) 🇧🇫🇳🇪🇲🇱 is currently taking place in Niamey, Niger


Nov 18, 2016
They aren't getting it done without Russia. The arms they used to kill the French sponsored terrorists came from Russia. Traore would be killed off like Sankara or Lumumba without the Russian intelligence that tipped Burkina off multiple times.

Putin is not a “good guy” but Africa shedding neocolonialism is in his plans (because it will devastate the economies of Russia’s enemies) so I’ll take it.
Putin and Russia does not have Africa's interest at heart. They are no different from the French. Dude had Wagner mercenaries committing genocide against civilians in CAR so he could take over gold mines.

Northern Son

Oct 30, 2012
Putin and Russia does not have Africa's interest at heart. They are no different from the French. Dude had Wagner mercenaries committing genocide against civilians in CAR so he could take over gold mines.

It predictably always comes back to that isolated example in Central African Repubic 🙄. Yevgeny Prigozhin was an independent mercenary who tried to upend the Russian government. Prigozhin is dead. Actually research the activity in the Sahel instead of expecting the worst of Black countries. They are not obsequiously kissing Russian ass nor are they selling out. They are tangibly building infrastructure for their countries with some Russian assistance. Russia/Soviet Union have NEVER colonized Africa unlike France, UK, Portugal, USA, Belgium or Germany.

Northern Son

Oct 30, 2012
Putin and Russia does not have Africa's interest at heart. They are no different from the French. Dude had Wagner mercenaries committing genocide against civilians in CAR so he could take over gold mines.

France is literally a worthless country without African exploitation. Their economy is non-existent without their parasitic capitalist multi-national corporations balls deep in Africa stealing resources. Russia is loaded with oil, gold, platinum, uranium, aluminum etc. They don't need to steal from Africa unlike France who are otherwise useless. Empowering Africa significantly weakens Russia’s enemies (NATO economies). That’s what it comes down to.

Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022
It predictably always comes back to that isolated example in Central African Repubic 🙄. Yevgeny Prigozhin was an independent mercenary who tried to upend the Russian government. Prigozhin is dead. Actually research the activity in the Sahel instead of expecting the worst of Black countries. They are not obsequiously kissing Russian ass nor are they selling out. They are tangibly building infrastructure for their countries with some Russian assistance. Russia/Soviet Union have NEVER colonized Africa unlike France, UK, Portugal, USA, Belgium or Germany.
This bozo. :mjlol: “Isolated”

Over the next five days, hundreds more would die in the village of Moura in the Mopti region of Mali at the hands of troops overseen by Russian mercenaries, according to a new United Nations report. All but a small fraction were unarmed civilians.

Published last week after an extensive human rights fact-finding mission conducted over several months by UN staff in Mali, the report gives an hour by hour account of events during a five-day military operation in Moura in March 2022, giving details of the worst single atrocity associated with the Kremlin-linked Wagner group outside Ukraine.

Investigators from the UN human rights office concluded that there are strong indications that more than 500 people were killed – the majority in extrajudicial killings – by Malian troops and foreign military personnel believed to be from Wagner, a mercenary outfit run by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a close ally of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, which was linked to the massacre by internal messages obtained by the Guardian last year.

Sexual assaults rise in Central African Republic. Wagner, bandits and even peacekeepers are blamed​

BANGUI, Central African Republic (AP) — It was too late for the mother to shield her children when the two masked and armed Russian fighters burst into her home, held her at gunpoint and took turns raping her. Her five children were forced to watch in the dark.

Seated in a restaurant in Central African Republic’s capital, where she has since fled, she wiped away tears. Two years on, the assault has “stayed with me in my core,” she said. The Associated Press does not identify survivors of sexual assault.

She blamed the Russians who are part of the Wagner mercenary group that operates alongside Central African Republic’s army and has been accused by locals and rights groups of abuses. She had seen them patrolling in her town of Bambari before. On the day of the assault, they were fighting rebels there

Chinese Mining ‘Wrecking Lives’ In DRC​

A new report from the DRC-based Initiative for Good Governance and Human Rights, known by its French acronym, IBGDH, along with international rights group Amnesty International, shows how Chinese copper and cobalt mining is “wrecking lives” in the DRC.

“People are being forcibly evicted, or threatened or intimidated into leaving their homes, or misled into consenting to derisory settlements,” IBGDH President Donat Kambola said in a statement on September 12. “Often there was no grievance mechanism, accountability, or access to justice.”

The IBGDH is based in Kolwezi, one of the centers of mining expansion in the southern province of Lualaba, where cobalt and copper mining has skyrocketed in recent years.

Satellite imagery of Kolwezi has revealed this expansion over the last five years, as mines have crept into neighborhoods and entire city streets have disappeared.

The IBGDH interviewed more than 130 people at six different mining projects in Kolwezi.

“Evictions are often carried out by mining operators with little concern for the rights of affected communities and little heed for national laws meant to curtail forced evictions in the mining sector,” the report stated.

In his new book, “Cobalt Red,” Siddharth Kara explores how the mining industry has ravaged the landscape of the DRC.

The air and water around mines have been contaminated with toxic dust and effluents from the mining processing. Millions of trees have been cut down.

Local miners operate in extremely dangerous conditions.

“Cobalt is toxic to touch and breathe — and there are hundreds of thousands of poor Congolese people touching and breathing it day in and day out,” Kara told National Public Radio. “Young mothers with babies strapped to their backs, all breathing in this toxic cobalt dust.”

Kara, a fellow at Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, described inhumane conditions.

“Imagine an entire population of people who cannot survive without scrounging in hazardous conditions for a dollar or two a day,” he said. “People are working in subhuman, grinding, degrading conditions. They use pickaxes, shovels, stretches of rebar to hack and scrounge at the earth in trenches and pits and tunnels to gather cobalt and feed it up the formal supply chain.”

China’s stated intention is to corner these mineral markets.


Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022
France is literally a worthless country without African exploitation. Their economy is non-existent without their parasitic capitalist multi-national corporations balls deep in Africa stealing resources. Russia is loaded with oil, gold, platinum, uranium, aluminum etc. They don't need to steal from Africa unlike France who are otherwise useless. Empowering Africa significantly weakens Russia’s enemies (NATO economies). That’s what it comes down to.

Your parents fled all the way to the Wsst and they still didn’t provide you with a decent western education?

  • GDP
    In 2022, France had a GDP of $2.78 trillion, making it the world's seventh largest economy. In 2024, Russia's GDP ranked it 11th in the world, between Canada and Mexico.
  • GDP per capita
    In 2022, France's GDP per capita was $42,244, compared to the global average of $10,589. In 2024, Russia's average wealth per capita was around $14,400, which is lower than other European countries.
  • Exports
    In 2022, France had total exports of $608 billion, ranking it 8th in the world, while Russia's exports were $486 billion, ranking it 12th.
  • Economic Complexity Index
    In 2022, France's Economic Complexity Index (ECI) was 1.3, while Russia's was 0.43

What are the top 10 French exports?​

French Trade – just how big is the French export market?​

According to data from World’s Top Exports, French exports totalled US$598.4 billion for the first 11 months of 2022. Exports to Germany, Italy, Belgium, Spain and the US accounted for the biggest values, totalling 44.9% of total exports.

Some global leading companies help to account for such high export figures, with French companies well represented in the Forbes Global 2000 rankings. These companies include EDF, Renault, Total and Saint-Gobain.

So what are the top 10 French exports?​

The following are the top 10 exports from France during 2021. This top 10 accounts for 58.9% of the total US$ value for all exports from France.

1. Machinery, including computers – US$62.6 billion (11% of total exports)

2. Vehicles – US$50.8 billion (8.9% of total exports)

3. Electrical machinery – US$45 billion (7.9% of total exports)

4. Pharmaceuticals – US$39.1 billion (6.9% of total exports)

5. Aircraft / Spacecraft – US$30.9 billion (5.4% of total exports)

6. Plastics – US$25.5 billion (4.5% of total exports)

7. Beverages, Spirits & Vinegar – US$22.3 billion (3.9% of total exports)

8. Perfumes & Cosmetics – US$22 billion (3.9% of total exports)

9. Mineral Fuels – US$18.6 billion (3.3% of total exports)

10. Iron & Steel – US$18 billion (3.2% of total exports)

Meanwhile in mother Russia :mjlol:

Indoor Plumbing Still a Pipe Dream for 20% of Russian Households, Reports

More than one-fifth of Russian households do not have access to indoor plumbing, according to official statistics obtained by the RBC news website on Tuesday.

Russia leads the developed world with the worst sanitation record, according to the London-based WaterAid NGO. A 2012 estimate citing official data placed the number of Russians whose households are only equipped with outhouses at 35 million, or roughly a quarter of the population.



The black man is always targeted.
Apr 8, 2017
Impoverished countries (Niger was literally the second poorest country in the world until recently) need capital from allies to build enough infrastructure to have functional industry. Even America in its infancy needed help from the French. This is how the world works.
Nothing Russia, especially China, does is for free. It may not exactly be the traditional white man's game, but if you think for one second that Russia and China are just not as exploitative - you're wrong. It's contextual. While China for example, may be seeking to improve the infrastructure of many African nations so that they can compete in a global market - it is only doing so to develop these nations to the point where they can extract their resources to an advanced degree. If you think for one second that China or Russia would ever allow these African nations to become threats - you're dead wrong.

It's not cut and dry as you're presenting it. In some fascist neo-capitalist state building sense - sure. You're just going from the worst form of exploitation, to a more advanced form.

The skepticism lies in the fact that African countries already have the resources to sustain themselves independently. Choosing to play the game, is still choosing to play the game. Look at Eritrea, for example, they're about the gold-standard in terms of a self-sustaining nation that has partnerships with non-NATO/western countries like China and Russia. But even then, they're still being exploited.

Understand that China and Russia funding infrastructure now is simply a means to extracting resources and establishing proxy states down the line.

The West fukked up because they tried to extract as much as possible without significantly investing into African infrastructure, nor developing the politics of African nations beyond whatever served their means.

Now I'm not saying that the destructing of global hegemony won't benefit Africa in some ways, much more so than their previous exploitation by the west, but it is still another shade of grey.

Whether it's checkers or 4-D chess, Africa is still getting played because at the end of the day - they do not have to play these games.

Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022
The amount of propaganda that gets shared on this website every day is truly baffling


Non-state armed groups control nearly 40% of the territory of Burkina Faso, posing significant challenges for humanitarian operations. Several non-state armed groups are active in the country, including Ansarul Islam, the Group for the Support of Islam and Muslims, and the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara.

@ReasonableMatic THEM DEVILS! :damn:


May 3, 2012




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