The fertility crisis is here and it will permanently alter the economy - CNN

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
With every action there is a reaction, the powers in the west that be can’t kick the can down the road anymore

Hopefully developing countries see what’s happening and try to avoid that path
They're actively trying to participate in what's going on.

The tragic irony is this:
People from developing countries are the grist that this mill requires. Whether it's desperate poor from Latin America that will get hired to work at meat processing facilities or to harvest plants for agribusiness, or the people you want subscribing to your services in Latin America, Africa, and Asia who constitute a growing middle class. They need these people as labor and they need these people as customers.

American firms are shutting off competition. Tesla would rather pay a racist half a billion dollars than use that same money to compete with BYD who is making serious progress in China and emerging markets by offering affordable and luxury electric vehicles. Facebook would rather piss away billions on headsets nobody uses and a metaverse nobody cared about instead of hiring long term software developers to fix their service instead of letting it rot into what it is now. Meanwhile tiktok will make more money as meta's brand sinks further into the dirt.

China has its Amazon(Alibaba) and it's youtube (yokou) and it's twitter (Weibo) which they're exporting to other countries. The middle class in these countries continues to grow off cheap Chinese and Indian made goods while American stuff is declining in quality while INCREASING in price. All the banks are doing now is paying these poorly managed companies to stay afloat and the government is printing money to help make that happen. Boeing planes aren't getting better. Google search isn't getting better. Phones are being sold at ridiculous prices while adding little features. Phone cameras record at 4 and 8k now. Phones are now VR compatible and can play games as detailed as what you'd get on a PS4. There's only so much improvement the product can have before you get to diminishing returns.

I think what's next is that American companies after cannibalizing local competition through asset stripping operations( buy a company, drive it into the ground, hold on to its brand and use it to make money from time to time) will be exported to other countries so they can crush the competition. They're literally trying to do that to tik tok right now by giving them an ultimatum of letting themselves get bought by meta or twitter and then destroyed or ceasing operations in the US. I can almost guarantee bytedance would rather leave the American market and focus on literally everywhere else than let them do to tik tok what was done to sports illustrated, toys r us, and what Microsoft and EA do to the development studios it buys.

In order for the government to get the tax revenue it needs for things like social security, they need to extract tax revenue from working people. But the same government protects the employers who are actively trying to fire people who they pay and who the government extracts tax revenue from. Do you see how fukking insane that is? They need right wing government to cut regulations on them so they can make more money, but they also need immigrant labor they can underpay and immigrant customers. But to get the right wing government that will cut their taxes and regulations, they have to let them get elected on a wave of racism and xenophobia. That same racism and xenophobia is blocking their access to cheap immigrant labor and selling to immigrant customers.

The solution to the problem really would be to raise taxes on these companies so that the government could subsidize families and reduce the costs that are barriers to people having kids. They could raise the minimum wage too so that a guy working at an Amazon warehouse or as a driver can make enough money to support a child and have some left over. But then they won't do that because that's "anti business" and "socialism" so then the population crisis will only get worse as more people say "I can barely survive on my own. I'm not having any fukking kids. Are you insane?"
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Breh&Breh Associates™
Nov 11, 2017
There's no 'Fertility Crisis' in America.

There's a 'Relationship Crisis'.

People don't want relationships with anyone anymore, including children, as they require too much work.​
There are plenty of people in relationships who can’t afford children.

There are plenty of children born from ‘situationships’.

There are a lot of children in the care home system.

When you have a government that wants to remove autonomy from a woman’s reproductive rights, is it any wonder we’re heading towards this ‘crisis’?

You’re looking at it from a very oversimplified manner.


A Thick Sauce N*gga
Apr 30, 2012
Having children and being fertile is all fine and good, but being able to provide, shelter and nuture those children into adults is the essential point. Its is the height of irresponsibility to bring a child into this world when you have no way to provide for that child or support in any way


In the US at this point you need to be either rich or poor to be able to afford more than 2 kids. People in the middle can't afford that shyt anymore. I've spent over $130k on day care and my kids DID NOT go to the expensive ones in the area.


Jun 15, 2012
This mentality where the ultra rich privatize their gains and socialize the losses is the issue.

In this case, they want mom and dad to go into poverty so they can make a nickel off their child.

If billionaires want more workers they need to incentivize people. Stop sucking the economy dry and leave some for the common man.