The Fate Of Daniel Bryan Revealed


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
I hope everybody can live with it now...

There's MFs out there that would still rather have seen him have a live seizure during the WrestleMania main event than retire for his own well-being, but it is what it is. He had a great career, and it should've gone for longer, but at least he won't be in a wheelchair at 40 years old because the internet wanted to see him do more flying headbutts.

Stop with the DB fan slander. None us knew how serious this shyt was. Everyone was going on what was thrown out to the public; all else was speculation.

But God dammit, DB, why would you do that to yourself? :mjcry:

Anyone got the full interview?

Naw man I HAD NO IDEA IT WAS THAT BAD, shyt I didn't even know he had a history.. IMO the problem is wwe hides the injuries of their wrestlers, if people knew he was having seizures and was concussion prone then the crowd most likely would not have been chanting for him like that, that makes a big difference.. I know I wouldn't have been behind him coming back.. why is this such a secret anyway, they peel the curtain back for drama and bs but when injuries happen they hide it, I haven't seen the interview but now that they let the truth come out I aint mad at them for keeping him out the ring, and I am sure most of the people that wanted him back even knew why he was out in the first place, I have seen FB and youtube commenters say they though it was the neck/shoulder injury or at the worst one concussion.. So its not fair dudes to be in here on some I told yall neckberds or his fans need to shut up now, its just that we honestly didn't know what was going on.. and with the way yall discredit these so called wrestling journalist's we have no way to get the facts

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Naw man I HAD NO IDEA IT WAS THAT BAD, shyt I didn't even know he had a history.. IMO the problem is wwe hides the injuries of their wrestlers, if people knew he was having seizures and was concussion prone then the crowd most likely would not have been chanting for him like that, that makes a big difference.. I know I wouldn't have been behind him coming back.. why is this such a secret anyway, they peel the curtain back for drama and bs but when injuries happen they hide it, I haven't seen the interview but now that they let the truth come out I aint mad at them for keeping him out the ring, and I am sure most of the people that wanted him back even knew why he was out in the first place, I have seen FB and youtube commenters say they though it was the neck/shoulder injury or at the worst one concussion.. So its not fair dudes to be in here on some I told yall neckberds or his fans need to shut up now, its just that we honestly didn't know what was going on.. and with the way yall discredit these so called wrestling journalist's we have no way to get the facts

Yea... the vibe down here been.... when journalist say something bad about the WWE its lies, ducktales and BS or not credible. But when journalist say bad stuff about TNA its the truth and credible:mjlol:


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Right, but at the same time, alot of y'all (and by "y'all", I don't mean y'all personally, but many DB fans within the IWC) jumped to the conclusion that this was all an evil plot designed by Vince, HHH, and Steph to make Roman Reigns a hero. Because despite having DB win every men's title in the company and main event their biggest show, they hated him and wanted his career to end. They were purposely punishing y'all for liking someone that was employed by them, by not allowing him to wrestle. It was the endgame of an ongoing six-year agenda they had against him, ever since they hired him not once but twice. You're right, it was speculation, but it was speculation that a lot of y'all convinced yourselves was truth. And now that it's not, it's like "Oh. Well that's all they had to say."

Conspiracy? Everyone saw Fast Lane 2015...why would I give the benefit of the doubt to a man who screamed Bret screwed Bret for over 12 years? Lol.

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
...i told yall nikkas two years ago how serious it was
Its all proven and come to fruition...yall really ran with this idea that he was held back by the a post cm punk staph infection/nfl concussion epidemic the wwe did right by protecting bryan from himself

But those two things aren't mutually exclusive

They didn't stick him in that horrid Wyatt Family storyline and put Bray Wyatt over him and leave him out of the Royal Rumble 2 years ago because of these issues.

They didn't try to bring back Batista to fight for the title at Wrestlemania XXX because of Bryan's issues.

Just admit it. WWE got lucky. They didn't want Bryan around and now they finally have a legitimate reason, but it's not like this was their concern the entire time.

:francis:I wonder what Undertaker's brain looks like at this point? And they'd still have no problem putting Shawn Michaels out there if he wanted to be there OR Steve Austin.

And like I said, I"m not a Bryan fan particularly, but it amazes me after hearing wrestlers and people in the industry tell you how petty and megalomaniacal Vince can be that people still doubt these things.


Your TSC World Champion
Apr 30, 2012
I legit want to see who really REALLY believed in this dumb ass idea that the wwe were trying to keep bryan away from the ring because #protectromanreigns or some dumbshyt

Even after he had to miss 21 out of 24 months of time...people still thought it was protect roman...