Are mulattoes black in Cuba?
It depends on the type of mulatto and how they self identify. But as far as government census wise? No there's a whole category for them. B for Blanco (White) N for Negro (Black) M for Mulatto/Mestizo (Mixed)
Are mulattoes black in Cuba?
Charles Darwin was born in 1809. The formulation of modern day concepts around race theory started to metastasize 200 years before him during the expansion to the Americas. You’re 200 years late.
Please provide sources on concepts of blackness being around for thousands of years and the modern concept of blackness as racial inferiority. Numerous accounts by African immigrants talk about having to come to terms with blackness as an identity being thrust upon them when their identities back on the continent historically coalesced around tribal identity. What people espoused notions of blackness as an identity or racial group for the past thousands of years?
It depends on the type of mulatto and how they self identify. But as far as government census wise? No there's a whole category for them. B for Blanco (White) N for Negro (Black) M for Mulatto/Mestizo (Mixed)
afro-descendants in the USA were one dropping themselves way before it was rule by white people
more below
Afram Identity: The "black" concept; the one-drop rule and it's influence/connection to the Pan-African, agenda
1st, contrary to popular belief: WHITE americans didn't invent one-droppism. It wasn't even a law by white people until the 1910's
It was created by Northern USA, Aframs. The modern Afram identity which is based on the "Black" concept and influenced by one-droppism; originated with free blacks in places like New York, Philadelphia, Boston the 1800s
basically;free people of color which usually described light skinned people;negro which meant darker/unmixed blacks, would became: colored american (this would later become afro-american and/or black), to encompass all shades/mixes of afro-descendants
this exact process played out when Frederick Douglas who was from the South, went North and encountered; "Black Yankees"
Essays on the U.S. Color Line » Blog Archive » The Color Line Created African-American Ethnicity in the North
This isn't the first time you've posted this but these dudes just look past the receipts to continue spewing their bullshyt
No. Racism and the idea of race as we know it today came from Europe, not the US or the Americas.
Is it fair to say socially they a level above Cuban blacks?
Race as it relates to economics over there is a completely different ball game bruh. Everybody is incredibly poor except for a select few who either scamming or belong to the communist party in some capacity. And the majority of the generals and Cubas number 2 man the Vice presi are all Black Black. Are there after effects of slavery and colonialism? Sure. But 60 years of a centrally planned economy plus American embargo along with the socialist views of egalitarian equality has made shyt complicated to say the least. But yea when they want tourist dollars at hotels they usually trot out the pretty light skins so the Canadians/Euros feel more 'welcome'
Yes or no please. You're Juelzing.
mira que ustedes comen pinga en este website con el juelz ni juelz, juelz le voy a meter a tu hermana
Don't respond to him. He said he was an island born Puerto Rican, than said he's a black American with southern routesmira que ustedes comen pinga en este website con el juelz ni juelz, juelz le voy a meter a tu hermana
Don't respond to him. He said he was an island born Puerto Rican, than said he's a black American with southern routes
Don't respond to him. He said he was an island born Puerto Rican, than said he's a black American with southern routes
What about this quote you made in the Gina Rodriguez threadLIES. There is nothing Latino Or Hispanic about me. I am a black American.
What about this quote you made in the Gina Rodriguez thread
What about for island-born Puerto Ricans? What about for 9 New York Puerto Ricans? The thing is I know a whole lot of both I'm a born Puerto Ricans and nuyoricans. I'd argue that nuyoricans are ever-so-slightly blacker then Island Puerto Ricans. And I think you know how Island born Puerto Ricans get down.